Get Access To the World's Largest Pee Art Museum
Get Access To the World's Largest Pee Art Museum
- Featuring the greatest selection of images focusing on erotic pee art ever published
- offering an ultimate historical overview in pictures on pee art in various categories
- reveals 640+ of the most arousing images of urinating figures throughout art history
- entertaining written introduction to this fascinating topic
- including the kinkiest examples you'll ever come across
- including numerous references to other sensual work of the concerning artists
- a lot of work has gone into identifying many artists who often work(ed) anonymously
- including interesting stories behind some of the works
- completely uncut and uncensored NSFW material
- fascinating are the naughty artworks you'll find in the doubtful cases section
- including countless clickable links to interesting sources
- With such an enticing theme, would make an ideal gift for any art-lover
- Enjoyable to read, and you can easily get lost in the imagery
- this is a unique publication that will have freely available future updates
- guaranteed aesthetic satisfaction
- Lifetime Access
- Normal price
€58,65 - Now for € 8,50