It Has Never Been So Good to Be a Hero: The Epic and Sexual Journey of Ishuzoku Reviewers
Sometimes there are anime that not only break expectations, but offer new approaches, by satirizing certain clichés by adopting an unusual approach. Ishuzoku Reviewers is an example of how an anime can go beyond certain limits imposed by censorship, without being criminalized by it.
Dragon Age
Ishuzoku Reviewers (Japanese: 異種族レビュアーズ) before becoming a 12 episodes anime, was a manga written by Amahara and illustrated by Masha, published on the Dragon Age website, since August 2016. Seven tankōbon volumes have been released by Fujimi Shobo (Fig. 1 to 8).
Different Species
The anime adaptation was produced by Passione, running from January to March 2020. The anime's plot could resemble the typical RPG adventures, with heroes of different species (humans, elves, gnomes) fighting monsters in a fantasy world, if it were not that the characters are nothing more than people whose insatiable libido leads them to frequent brothels where females of various species are found.
Humanoid Prostitutes
The story begins when a human named Stunk and an elf named Zel, avid brothel goers, discuss which species of "succu-girls" (サキュ嬢, succ for “sucubus”, because they’re all halfbreeds of succubus and whatever species those succubus bred with), legally working humanoid prostitutes, are the best. To do this, they create a ranking, which they rate, accompanied by a review of each species they have had sex with. The anime thus follows the heroes' journey through the brothels while the specificity of the succu-girls' services is shown to us (Fig. 9 to 11).
In the extended Premium edition more on the subgenre ecchi, the satirical aspects in Ishuzoku Reviewers, the attack of the conservative Funimation channel on them, and much more arousing images.
Click HERE for the sex and erotism in Hiroya Oku's Gigant