Sensual Couple Pay Homage to Lady and the Tramp of 1955
I received some detailed photographs of the artist Jeff Faerber (1974) that give us a nice overview of the painting process from the beginning to the end result.
Lady and the Tramp (1955)
The painting that we’ll examine is entitled ‘Two strangers partake in the intimate act of sharing complex carbohydrates whilst their feline companions plot all things nefarious.‘ It was made earlier this year. I have asked the artist if there is a connection to a certain Disney movie and he confirmed that it is indeed a homage to the spaghetti eating scene in Lady and the Tramp (1955).
Preliminary drawing
Preliminary drawing
Preliminary painting
Detail of preliminary painting
Finished painting
Click HERE for an engaging interview with the artist Jeff Faerber…!!!
Click HERE for more striking Modern Shunga…!!!