Insightful Tips on How to Avoid Misleading Chinese Facsimile

In the last couple of years we have got countless inquiries regarding some books that display these Chinese erotic paintings. I have noticed that many buyers of these books assume they obtained original works. But I am afraid that these are all fake Chinese facsimile and in the video below you can check out some examples that show up again and again.

Useful Tip

One useful tip is to look at the price! Often they are offered by Chinese sellers at ridiculously low prices ($9.99 or best offer). Also, they give little to no information except for their headlines that include misleading terms such as ‘ancient paintings’ or ‘old book’. All paintings are unique and these facsimiles are produced constantly. In their ads it says for instance: 7 available sold/6 available.


Remember that authentic Chinese erotic paintings are rare and the real good ones are even rarer!

Click the full screen button to check out the books of this ‘unlucky buyer’ …

I have included this post to refer future buyers of these types of books when they inquire about authenticity.

You can check out some new authentic 19th century Chinese erotic paintings (available in our gallery) on the following page….!!

Do you also have bad experiences with these kind of Chinese facsimiles or other examples? Leave your feedback in the comment box below…!!