'The Deflowering of a Regretful Lady' By Shigenobu
An elegant image depicting a young beauty biting a handkerchief, with an apparently abashed expression while rocking back and forth on top of the man who has deflowered her.
At first sight the depiction seems to be a peaceful encounter between two lovers but the dialogue reveals something different:
Woman: ‘You told me to come once my mother was asleep, and I find you sleeping like a log! I’ve been wide awake all night thinking about you.’
Man: ‘I’m angry! I’m the one who deflowered you, but then you go and sleep with someone else.’
Woman: ‘Poor you! What about me? I was absolutely terrified and then I had a pain which burned like fire until the next day.’ (Ricard Bru)
Click HERE for another uneasy dialogue between two lovers…!!
Source: ‘Secret Images – Picasso and the Japanese Erotic Print‘ published by The Museu Picasso de Barcelona