The Secret Affair of a Fisherman and a Sensuous Diving Girl
Plate no.10 from Hokusai’s Fukujuso is almost entirely dominated by the copulating pair of fisher folk, a richly filled basket with seashells seen at left. The diving-girl insists that the rumors of an affair with another fisherman are lies – and her lover agrees to leave the matter alone as he enjoys making love to her.
Symbol of the Vulva
The fisherman’s stylized cloak and the diving-girl’s long raven locks add much to the effectiveness of the design, balanced by the red petticoat and the basket of shellfish. The latter is a traditional symbol of the vulva.
This design originating from one of the most well-known series in shunga offers the following dialogue:
Man: “This is the first time we’ve been able to really spend time together. My feelings have been building up for so long, I can barely contain myself.”
Woman: “I’ve thought about being with you a lot as well, and since I couldn’t bear it any longer I’ve finally managed to arrange it. Promise you’ll never abandon me. Hâ hâ, sû sû, fû fû.”
Click HERE for a post dedicated to another exciting design from the Fukujuso series featuring a young passionate couple…!!!