Visual Cacophony with Crazy Phallus and Vulva-Shaped Figures

Below you can find 17 double page B&W illustrations and 8 double page color illustration from two book issued in the middle of the 19th century both designed by an unknown member of the Utagawa school.

Bundle of Laughs

The album consists of many absurd scenes inhabited by countless phallus and vulva-shaped figures such as sumo-wrestlers with phallus heads, a phallus-headed teacher educating on the female sex organs, a street vendor offering penises, a phallus-headed dog with two phallus tails, a mermaid with a vulva face, a samurai hunting a phallus-headed wild boar with a long spear, a vulva-shaped ghost who is holding two glans penises and much more.

The stubborn elephant with the vulva ears and phallus-shaped tusk and feet is a real bundle of laughs.

Click HERE for a similar parade (in color!) depicting erotic absurdity…!!

What is your favorite figure on these prints?