Puzzy Power: Denmark’s Feminist Pornography Movement


In the last few years a new generation of women have begun to make themselves felt, so written is the first line of the Puzzy Power manifesto — Puzzy Power being a Danish film company, a subsidiary of Zentropa (founded by Lars von Trier), that created pornographic films specifically for women. As the manifesto goes on to state, the point of Puzzy Power was to create pornography, not just by women — nor specifically only for women — but rather to create sexually explicit films which existed outside, or in tandem to, the male created, male oriented pornography which, as a result of being both of the above, had worlds of sexual fantasy whose particular brand was one of female degradation — a stimulation of that gland too common of the brain, that excites at power and excites to the point of orgasm at sexual power. Here was to be porn created in adherence to a set of rules as detailed in the manifesto, so as to allow access to a market hitherto untapped.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4


Fig. 5



The first rule regarded plot, specifically: there must actually be one. “Individual sequences must be linked into a logical chain of emotions, fantasies, passions, et cetera. so we can relate to the characters and what goes on between them,” says the manifesto. Sex must not be the result of obligation, cheaply existing in a world where everyone lives in constant arousal and so is readily available for the taking, as does most male porn: for it seems that men consider the context in which sex takes place secondary to the act itself — just as many tend to consider who is involved secondary to their proportions of body. “It is not enough for four unknown actors to enter stage right, drop their pants and simply get down to it.”

Fig 6

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

Fig. 10


The second rule, as the first, emphasizes the importance of context to eroticism: “The films must be based on woman’s pleasure and desire. The senses must be aroused.” Sexual climaxes must themselves be the result of narrative climaxes, they must be earned and achieved only through the laws of a naturalist setting.

Fig. 11

Fig. 12

Fig. 13


“Images of bodies must be shown that caress the body and its erotic details. The erotic aspect may well lie elsewhere than the genitalia.” Far more common in films of Puzzy Power is a camera which pans to faces and their expressions, holding on the genitalia only for a moment to justify a reaction by exhibiting its cause. Similarly, a focus on male parts is done with equal relish as that of the female. Traditionally, the only male part of body that male porn chooses to highlight is the penis, we can assume that this is done in aid of the viewer’s fantasy that it is them having sex, that it is their penis being sucked — hence the common absence of a face to the penis.

Fig. 14

The complete article is exclusively for Premium subscribers. Inside more on, what's not allowed according to Puzzy Power's manifesto, their films Constance (1997), Pink Prison (1999), and the gay porn film Hotmen Coolboyz (2000)., the later replacement of Puzzy Power by another of Zentropa's subsidiaries and how the experiment ultimately ended. As usual, the article is richly peppered with no less than 56 exciting images.

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