Pruimenbloesem: The Box Office Hit and First Big-Budget Dutch Porn Flick
Marijn Kruijff
5 min

Pruimenbloesem: The Box Office Hit and First Big-Budget Dutch Porn Flick

5 min

In 1997, American director Paul Thomas Anderson gave us an original insight into the American porn industry of the 1970s with his film Boogie Nights, a tale that displays a freewheeling homage to the glitter, tack and kitsch excesses of the drug-fuelled late ’70s and the hangover ’80s. In contrast to the savage events in this film, things were much more relaxed on the set of the film we’re going to extensively examine below.

200,000 Visitors

Earlier this year we were approached by the now retired filmmaker Willem van Batenburg (1941, Utrecht) who responded enthusiastically to our activities at Shunga Gallery. Van Batenburg is one of the great pioneers of adult cinema (he worked part-time as a manager in an first action, later adult movie theater) in the Netherlands. Among other things, he is responsible for the first full-length porn film in Dutch movie theaters entitled Pruimenbloesem (Plum Blossom – 1982) that became one of the biggest box-office hits of 1982 with no fewer than 200,000 visitors.

Pruimenbloesem Willem van Batenburg

Fig.1. Original film poster ‘Pruimenbloesem‘ (1982) (Translation promotional text ‘The first Dutch adult sex movie‘)

Bet with Paul Verhoeven

A nice anecdote about this debut was that Van Batenburg received a letter from another Dutch filmmaker Wim Verstappen (with whom he remained friends until his death) in which he told him that he had a bet with Paul Verhoeven (Basic Instinct) about who would be the first to include a pornographic scene in his film and that he, Van Batenburg, had beaten them with Pruimenbloesem.

Super Criminal

The film started with a budget of 50.000,- guilders , ending up through different stages at 260.000,- (equivalent to approximately $500,000 converted to today). a production time of 12 days (7 original and 5 additional) and was shot in various places in the Land of Maas and Waal, including the town of Batenburg (hence the director’s pseudonym) and inside the former villa of super criminal and master of the thermal lance Aage Meinesz in Altforst.

Prying Eyes

Before the filmmakers ended up with the Land van Maas en Waal as a location, a whole search had already been completed. They were looking for a large detached house.  Detached in connection with the assumed status and financial position of the residents and furthermore because of the absence of prying eyes. Large, to make filming easier and to have sleeping and storage options. ‘Due to the modest budget, Amsterdam was an impossible task, especially if you’re talking about a porn movie’, explains Van Batenburg in his memoires.

Brothel Yab Yum

Yet they tried it at the most exclusive brothel in the Amsterdam, Yab Yum. It is located in a high canal house, so space would not be an issue. Van Batenburg is kindly received, but when asked if the film will look like the famous Emmanuelle film, he has to answer in the negative. What can he do with 75 grand against several million. The owner does not wish to jeopardize the indeed chic appearance of his club for a basically simple porn project, but refers him to another club. This one that lived up to its name ‘Red Palace‘, really everything is red from the beds, curtains, carpets, to the ashtrays and toilet seats, turned out to be unfeasible for reasons other than Yab Yum. there are still a few wanderings before they finally end up in the romantic landscape of Van Maas en Waal.

Diana de Koning posing Pruimenbloesem

Fig.2. Diana de Koning in Pruimenbloesem (1982)

Diana de Koning

One of the main strengths of Pruimenbloesem is the lead actress Diana de Koning (1954, South Africa – Fig.2), whose friendly smile and natural appearance are compelling.  She had once come along ‘just for fun’ with her friend who already had some experience in Van Batenburg’s short films. De Koning was also involved in the selection process of her male co-stars in the film. For example, she did not want to do copulation scenes with the actor who plays her older husband in the film.

Maintain Erection

‘When selecting the men, I start from the preference of my actresses, the director explained.’ I think that someone who gets something in her body is more vulnerable than the other. I test an actor first. He should be able to get an erection in front of a few people and maintain it for a while. There are people who can do that for a very long time and I’m talking about hours. Not fierce, but keep calm. An important condition is that they do not come too quickly, so they train for that.


Pruimenbloesem was shot during the hot summer days of July 1981. From the start, there is this special light, summery atmosphere surrounding the production that remains mysteriously present despite the inevitable difficulties. The sunlight gives an extra dimension to the feeling of full freedom, which can also be found in the film. Van Batenburg contracted Oscar Pettersson for the cinematography. He already had the necessary porn routine, and experience regarding glamour eroticism through his work for many advertising and fashion films. The lighting technician Ben Martinesz was unfamiliar with porn but cut from the same cloth in terms of the glamour aspect. Fearing an excessive gap in the budget, he looked for the remaining part of his crew in a semi-professional circle. Art-director, make-up, catering and a general assistant completed the recording crew. Van Batenburg himself would act as a camera assistant or operate a second camera if necessary.


The film is about the young nymphomaniac wife Myriam (Diana de Koning) who lives in a luxurious villa in the polder together with her older and rich husband Bert (Ivo Verlinden), where she has sex with men and women. She receives both men and women and that also in groups. She also has an ex-husband, Paul (Joost Messing), who regularly contacts and harasses her, but she doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore.

Hairy Pubic Area

In the opening credits we see Myriam and Emiel (Evert van Lingen) sitting naked on the bed together. Myriam initially eats two plums (a direct reference to the title). After that (already in the first two minutes) she lies spread out on the bed and we see Diana de Koning completely naked from head to toe. We also see her hairy pubic area and armpits (still fashionable at the time) and we also see Evert van Lingen’s penis. The latter starts eating her pussy and after a while Myriam commands him: “Now push a finger against my asshole.”

Diana de Koning nude in the swimming pool

Fig.3. ‘Myriam playing with herself in the pool

First Scene

Halfway, the telephone rings, Myriam picks up the phone while Emiel is eating her pussy. It’s a woman-friend who is calling and Myriam tells her what is happening. When suddenly Bert (the voyeur) enters the room, Emiel is displeased and stops his oral acts, after which he leaves, while Myriam tells him that he is a simpleton who is not used to anything. Such a scene had never been shown in a porn film before (also internationally) and drew the viewer into the film.

Air Mattress

After this scene that only shows cunnilingus between Myriam and Emiel, Myriam goes to the pool in the villa and lies there completely naked on an air mattress (Fig.3), smearing her body with lubricant after which she starts playing with herself. When she has finished masturbating, she meets Rudi Dijkhuizen (Frank Boogaard) in the villa, with whom she has dinner including Bert in the evening. We hear a voice over (of Myriam’s thoughts) in which she expresses of what she expects from a man. When Bert gets tired and already goes to bed, Myriam dives into bed with Rudi and is immediately fucked (so no foreplay), explicitly portrayed including Rudi’s cumshot (Fig.4 to 6).

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