The Outlandish Voluptuousness of the Digital Pop Surrealist Ray Caesar
Marijn Kruijff
5 min

The Outlandish Voluptuousness of the Digital Pop Surrealist Ray Caesar

5 min

The background of the digital pop surrealist Ray Caesar (1958), his troubling childhood, suffering from dissociative identity disorder (DID) and his job working for 17 years in the Art and Photography Department of The Hospital For Sick Children in Toronto, provide more clarity on the unfathomable world that he portrays in his paintings.

Troubling Memories

As said, Caesar’s experiences in the hospital have been very decisive in his later creations. The result of the violence against children he was regularly confronted with in this place overwhelmed him. In order to cope with it, he made these pictures. Caesar felt that if he placed these disturbing memories into a picture and put that picture away in a very tidy closet, he could relax his mind and function.

Ray Caesar Bound

Bound‘ (2014)

Cherry-Red Lips

His work is known for his complex compositions, singular use of light, accentuated expressions, poses, and dreamlike movements. The Victorian protagonists (always girls) are often frigid, decked out with giant wigs or masks on their over-sized heads, and with daringly cherry-red lips, blotchy skin, and subtle physical deformities that never lose their disturbing manner. Caesar’s work merges elements of decorative styles and architectural ages, mixing Art Decò, Victorian style and visual codes from the early 1900s.

Ray Caesar pop surrealist

Day Trip‘ (2017)

3D Modeling Software

Already at an early age, Caesar discovered that he could use drawing and painting as a way to transfer emotions that were more difficult to communicate verbally. He considers his work to be a window inside his soul. Much like the worlds he has created in his head, the digital 3D modeling software he utilizes helps him create a virtual visualization of that particular imaginary world. This great tool gives him the opportunity to create objects within objects, and allows him to hide things inside other things just as our mind does.

Ray Caesar pop surrealism

Self-Examination‘ (2011)

Alfred Hitchcock

Caesar draws inspiration from French genre artists like Francois Boucher, Jean-Baptiste Perronneau, American realists like George Tooker and Edward Hopper, and surrealists like Salvador Dalí and Joseph Cornell. He also mentions the influence of film and in particular the work of Alfred Htchcock, Yasujiro Ozu, the Coen Brothers and Tim Burton.

Ray Caesar Female with cat

French Kiss‘ (2012)


Caesar’s work is popular among celebrities and is one of Madonna’s favorite artists.

Ray Caesar song for the dearly departed

Song for the Dearly Departed‘ (2015)

Ray Caesar Final Destination

Final Destination‘ (2004)

Ray Caesar The Collector

The Collector‘ (2013)

Ray Caesar masked girl on bed

Mourning Glory‘ (2008)

Ray Caesar erotic

Arabesque‘ (2009)

Ray Caesar erotic pop surrealism

Suddenly‘ (2006)

Ray Caesar British artist

La Chambre‘ (2012)

Ray Caesar A Familial Affectation:

A Familial Affectation‘ (2010)

Ray Caesar Canadian artist

Palpitation‘ (2014)

Pop Surrealism Ray Caesar

Siren‘ (2011)

Ray Caesar Fallen

‘Fallen’ (2013)

Ray Caesar Fallenstudy

Study ‘Fallen‘ (2013)

Ray Caesar Bat girl

Ray Caesar Batgirl

Old Wounds‘ (2015)

Ray Caesar phone cell

Night Call‘ (2012)

Ray Caesar lady on the phone

Study ‘Night Call

Ray Caesar Minotaur

Minotaur Study‘ (2018)

Ray Caesar girl and grasshopper

Words of Wisdom‘ (2012)

Ray Caesar erotic art

Tainted by the Sea‘ (2016)

In the following video the artist tells about his working method and how ideas arise…

Here more of Caesar’s work…

Click HERE for the digital pop surrealism of the Russian artist Waldemar Kazak (84 exciting pics)….!!

More on Caesar’s art on the artist’s site….!!

Let us know your thoughts on Caesar’s art in the comment box below….!!
