Stars and Sex: "Nude Zodiac" Series by Antonio Peinado, Part Two

In the second part of our horoscope voyage (first part), we'll examine the rest six zodiac signs as described by Goodman and photographed by Peinado! 

Fig. 1. Libra by Antonio Peinado (

Libra (September 23 to October 23)


The Libra male is a sex-ridden love-mad man as the planetary ruler of his Sign is Venus, as it is for Taurus. <...> The Libra male has an intuitive awareness of absolutely every thing related to sex: its physiological, emotional, and psychological contents. <...> He is trying to get the whole world to see, el, taste, smell, and endure the heat of the contact of two bodies joined and convulsed in the act of love. Nor would he mind if that whole world were a populace of his lovers-all his. <...> Libra is an Air sign, and we, therefore, find Venus floating rather than earth-bound. The effect of this difference on the Libra male is to make him light-hearted, mobile, airy (although subtle) in his sexual relations, and happy-go-lucky in contrast with the similarly Venus-ruled Taurus. <...> Bringing this figurative language down to the material plane gives us the interpretation of the Libra male's love of beauty, in all forms. But primarily in the form of a beautiful, sexy, luscious, delicious, stimulating, almost (and sometimes) edible sexual partner-boy or girl. <...> The symbol of the Sign Libra is the Scales. <...> It stands for human characteristics, some of the noblest ones that can be attributed to mankind. They are in fact ideals, such as justice, symbolized by balance, plus the noble qualities which accompany it. The balance is represented in the male in his integrity and sense of fair play; in his creative e orts in the correspondences of his art; in his philosophy in the yin and the yang. <...> Truly he is at least a minor hero, a movie hero, and a hero to his own world. Nor does fortune own upon him nor despoil his looks until a very advanced age, whereupon he learns that the personality traits garner r him as many hearts as once his physique alone did. Nor are the members of his sex fan club his chronological peers nor opposite sex, for girls and boys, and men and women find him magnetic right up to the end. <...> This lover might have a dozen mistresses, but he manages to keep everything cool. It would be rare for him to be involved in a scandal because he knows how to conduct himself, his business, his family affairs in the conventional world. <...> Love is a prime requisite to the happiness of the Libra male. As easy as he finds sexual conquest, he feels it a rather hollow experience unless accompanied by a deeper emotion than mere orgasm arouses. <...> He might question its value, its truth, its honor, its effect. There might be an element of gratitude, but what he is being grateful for is more for having been loved for a glorious moment than merely for the sexual experience. This is part of the complexity of the Libra male's makeup. <...> With all his idealism and romantic nature, the Libra male has a physical side which becomes more evident as he grows with experience. <...> His ego can be so exaggerated by successes that he concentrates only on his own satisfaction. While this might leave some of his partners unfulfilled, some might be so enthralled at having him at all in the flesh that they learn a new kind of kick - a masochistic pleasure in the service of an idol. It should be said that if the Women's Lib movement is ever put down, it will be put down by a group of organized Libra males. <...> They would know just what to do to make the liberated women cringe, give up, and finally plead to be allowed to be real women – men's women – again. <...> He soon learns the joys of intercourse, and excess may become his success. With a person who is not held back by moral or religious scruples or repressions, he has a great time and becomes a master of scientific sexology. <...> The marriage with the chosen and lucky lady is usually a little later in his li than the age other Sign members marry. He wisely waits until his wild oats have been sown-and sow them he must. Having left despoiled virgins, willing older partners, and a lot of broken hearts behind, he marries a grand woman and goes on having women fall in love with him. Then he goes on his amoral way unless his mate is keeping him at home with the practice of her art of love.


In the Libra male, an Air Sign woman, Venus's influence can be seen in her innate grace and charm, in her truthfulness, sense of honor, and the symmetry or rational balance she seeks in life-to live up to the ideal expressed in the symbol of her Sign, the Scales. <...> Venus brings to the Air Sign Libra male love, idealism in her emotional relationships and outlook, and a love of all things beautiful – those of mind, the arts, and the heart. <...> The Libra female makes an idol of the person she loves. In her lover she finds the stimulus to try her best to do all she does perfectly. The idol is her inspiration and the object of her adoration. If "love makes the world go 'round," it puts the Libra male into orbit. <...> The Libra female is a real woman. In today's world that is a rare human being. One would hardly find her in a Woman's Lib movement or parade, for what she wants at most is equality, not superiority. She does not crave the use of men's bars, nor men's toilets. <...> Early in life, the Libra male learns all about sex. She has a fine mind, and those secrets that are kept by her parents and teachers soon become simple facts of life to her. While she has great acumen, her knowledge of life is so intimate that she will not find fault with those whose tastes differ from hers, even in sexual matters. <...> Women of Scorpio and Pisces, for example, among other Signs, start with sex and find love. Not so the Libra male. The Libra lady seeks love and then learns to love sex. Another trait, though not as evident, is the ability of the Libra female to view and judge her sex drive and experiences very intellectually. <...> She prefers a man who is all male in appearance as she is all woman in appearance. <...> The man who exhibits his masculinity and has a dash of exhibitionism appeals to her. She is like that herself and finds these characteristics admirable. For this reason, she can find the best of lovers or a mate among the males of her own Sign, Libra. Indeed such a marriage would be ideal, for therein lies the perfect match and the precise balance of the Scales. <...> She passes from decade to decade of her life cycle seemingly unchanged. With this preserved youth, so skillfully aided by charm and chic, she retains her sex appeal into the late years. <...> One of her greatest charms is the spell she seems to cast because of the mystery she makes of love. This lady can perform the most erotic sexual acts without a blush. In apparently the greatest of dignity, there would be neither shame nor hesitation. It would seem rather that she was performing some sacred ritual, so profound, so arcane that it must never be mentioned! <...> If the partner in this ritual lacks imagination, stamina, or potency, there will be great disappointment in store for both. The Libra Lady will soon dismiss her partner, and an acolyte will be found, for she cannot live without love. Perhaps less without love than without sex. 

Fig. 2. Scorpio by Antonio Peinado (

Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)


The Scorpio male is one of the strangest, most magnetic, and sex-mad of humans. He is born under the sign of a unique "beast" of the zodiac, the Scorpion. This creature of nature is symbolic of wisdom and power, both traits of the Scorpio male. He is a passionate and potent man, always interested in sex, constantly on the prowl, and very successful in getting what he wants. <...> He seems to make other people el better, have more confidence in themselves. This mystique can become a nuisance to him because the weaklings of the world seek him and want to lean on him, to use his strength. The same applies to those who want to experience sex with him. They, too, will try to lean on him, drain his stamina, live off him physically, spiritually, and financially. The Scorpio male learns about sex at such an early age that one might be led to think he was born knowing all about it. <...> He seems to understand the entire procedure and to accept it wordlessly. Later in life, he looks back upon these childhood experiences with understanding and sympathy. There is nothing for him to forgive because he has never considered what he or the others did wrong in any sense of the word. It is as though he knew it had to happen because it was meant to happen. <...> Because of his high native intelligence, the Scorpio male is a leader in the activities in which he participates, including the sexual experience. He has a great deal of willpower and more self-control than is visible on the surface. Because he loves fun and games and the sport of sex, he seems to be so frivolous that there might not be any strength beneath the gay exterior. Far from it! He has control, can resist temptation if he wants to, and is a dynamo of power when he is enjoying the sexual experience. <...> He can be stubborn, and persuasion will be useless. Only his own inner motives ever sway the Scorpio male. He is a great attraction to women and homosexual men. <...> He himself, with all the self-control, shows little emotion, and the secret is that he is really more concerned with himself than with anyone else. In truth and in fact, other people are not necessary to him. He can always and easily find someone to have sex with. He docs it as one plays a game. The release leaves him perfectly contented, and he can part from his lover's bed with no emotion, romantic illusions, or sentimental hangovers. On the other hand, no one can really hurt the Scorpio male but himself. <...> He can control himself, it has been said, but when he desires an experience he will go all out to have it, with his eyes open. <...> He can go all out for alcohol or stimulants in the mood-changing drug family, or hard drugs, and he has the potential of becoming a devotee of the psychedelic drugs. <...> The effect of the Scorpio male on his sexual prey can be emotionally fatal. The symbol of the sign, the Scorpion, represents the death-dealing sting of this unusual "beast." <...> The reason is that the Scorpio male develops techniques of love that can drive his partner to sensual insanity. He has no sense of shame. On the other hand, he is conscious of his body at all times. He uses it in the whole and in all its parts like a wonderful bow, with his partner the violin. The music he evokes is like a threnody, for he calls forth every possible vibration until the two partners reach such a state of ecstasy that they may well be hearing "the music of the spheres." <...> Promiscuity is a way of life, not an immoral way to his mind. The more (sex), the merrier. For this reason, he carries on for the experience, the sensation, and this leads him to enjoy sex with both men and women in every possible way, any "degenerate" act being not only acceptable but deeply enjoyable. 


An intense and permanent desire for sex characterizes the true Scorpio female. <...> She is always ready for sex, yet she does not indulge herself in the satisfaction of her desires. Her motives are the mystery; she may not even be able to analyze them herself. Yet the "mystery" quality of the nature of the Scorpio female is what gives her unpredictable magnetism. <...> The intense nature of this woman begins to develop early in life. She may not have many of her peers as friends, but most likely has one girlfriend who shares her confidences. Towards such a pal she may have feelings of love or what she thinks is love. Another phase of her teen years is having an intense crush on a female teacher. <...> The intensity of her emotions may take the form of suffering very profoundly. It is in this that the real Scorpio nature shows itself, for this suffering is a really deep-seated masochistic sexual pleasure. <...> She soon drops the habit of confiding in anyone, for she learns as she matures that it is easy for her to become depressed by both material trivia and delicate human relationships. <...> She is a grudge-bearer and an eternal injustice collector. Her sensitivity makes her vulnerable to the slightest hurt, real or imagined. Once a friend or lover or co-worker has trod on her emotional toes, woe unto him. She turns all Scorpion, stings to kill, and never forgets or forgives. <...> There is a strange contradiction in the nature of the Scorpio female in that she loves home and also loves strange places. <...> None of these traits of the Scorpio female bar her from getting married. Her innate radiance and charm bring many proposals. If the man she chooses is lusty, sexy, full-blooded, and able to quench the fires of her passionate nature, she can be a good wife. <...> She is also qualified to keep her man enchained in glorious slavery of sexual variations, going slowly, stretching out the sensuous joy, teasing, delaying, building up until the actual orgasm becomes an explosive release from pent-up sexual cliff hanging. The females of this sign are not all alike because of the whimsical and mystic nature of the influence of Pluto. The outstanding trait of all these is sex appeal. All, too, have a consuming innate curiosity about the human body. Few are ever prudes, and most will find some sexual function for every part of their partner's bodies. The suppleness of her own physique will enable the curious Scorpio female to assume any position in the sexual act, and such