antonio peinado nude model
9 min

Stars and Sex: "Nude Zodiac" Series by Antonio Peinado with Astrological Commentary By Morris Goodman, Part One

9 min

Reading horoscopes in magazines is a modern guilty pleasure, just as listening to stupid pop songs or watching dumb Youtube videos. What earlier was common for European and Eastern kings and queens who had their court astrologers, became routine for today plebs who know their astrological signs and the signs of their sex and business partners, parents, and mothers or fathers in law... We believe that the astrological sign affects every sphere of our life including sexual behavior. "Tonight I'm not at my best... retrograde Mercury, damn it!" - probably lots of people think this way.

Nude Zodiac

We're here not to judge or laugh at someone but to join this ship of fools as well as we find the journey entertaining. Our captains are the skillful Spanish photographer Antonio Peinado (b. 1963), who produced the Nude Zodiac series in 2016, and the astrologer Morris C. Goodman (not to be confused with Morris E. Goodman) with his book Astrology and Sexual Analysis published in 1972. Goodman describes the male and female sexuality of each sign and also provides the sexual compatibility guide. "Is astrology valid? The writer has complete belief in it. The reader may find the pros and cons in dozens of dissertations on the shelves of his nearest library. This is not the subject of this book. <...> This book deals with sexuality. It is a revelation of astrology's encyclopedic analysis of sex and personality, about love in all its natural forms and aberrations. Its' purpose is to enable you to understand yourself and others, and to understand the greatest driving force in life itself: sexuality." So lets' dive into a world of astrological stereotypes of the Aquarian Era! From the first part you'll learn: which sign looks appetizing in their sixteen, who can't control their sexual desire, who loves deviations or vice versa makes love in a missionary pose and lots of other things!

Aries by Antonio Peinado

Fig. 1. Aries by Antonio Peinado

Aries (March 21 to April 19)


According to Goodman, they are brutal ones. But the tough shell hides a romantic soul. "The Aries male's sexual appetite is enormous. His qualifications for being the love machine are right there, and he is just about ever ready. <...> Having chosen the object of his sexual desires, he pursues it relentlessly. Nor is he satisfied with a single sexual act or orgasm. The first may indeed act only as a stimulant, arousing his passion to an uncontrollable degree. Should he be repulsed after the initial act, it would drive him to seek still another partner, and he would not give up until he succeeded in finding one. They can carry bodily development to foolish extremes, and the beach boys, bodybuilders, and exhibitionists at the beach arc likely to be their Sign siblings. <...>They do not separate their vocation from their sexual life, seeking partners (as they do everywhere) in the office, at conventions, and on business trips, or at combined social-business functions. Without self-control, they can gamble (and lose), due to allowing the negative side of Aries to dominate. They can overindulge in alcohol, and let their moral censor slip to the point of engaging in unethical or dishonest business deals. <...> They may sigh over the lost idealism of youth, but they enjoy the material benefits of their conversion. The benefits make it possible to induce lovelier partners to go to bed with them. They don't like to consider this paying for "it", but in their secret hearts, they know that is what they are doing. <...> The Aries male can make his mate very happy because his inclination is to be generous and thoughtful. He can also torment his mate by being demanding, questioning, and allowing no time for independent action. <...> His conduct can be infantile or childish when he els neglected. This is a hangover from excessive mother love, (something he carries all through life), and he unconsciously seeks his mother in his mate. <...> "Stormy Weather" could be the theme song of the Aries male's sexual and emotional life. When he is at the zenith of happiness in a love affair, he questions his good luck and jumps from ecstasy to despair and back again. He finds it impossible to accept happiness completely, and this is the clue to his romantic misery. <...> He must learn to enjoy it while it lasts. He must also learn that his passions control him, not he them, for desire can lead him to costly experiences, expensive to purse, health, and reputation. <...> he tells himself he wants happiness, a kind which comes from mutual love! This will come to him only as a reward for learning the meaning of and the acquisition of total, personal unselfishness.


The Aries female loves sex. She develops a craving for knowledge of the erotic. Her interests will be concentrated on a study of male and female anatomy, and she is aroused to extremes by the actual appearance and size of her partner's sexual organs. This woman reads books on sex, erotica, and pornography with a keen eye. She becomes a collector of stimuli, from ticklers to photographs to the instruments used by sadists and masochists. <...> Her lover must be demonstrative above all things if he (or she) does not want a complaining, nagging, frustrated woman on hand. She is ever ready, publicly or privately, to be told she is loved, to be petted, pinched, stroked, lt, patted, kissed, and excited. The Aries male deludes herself thoroughly about the one she loves-until disillusion sets in. <...> Restlessness and impatience are traits of the Aries woman, and their roots are in her sexual desires, which seem insatiable. <...> The intellectual Aries male sublimates this infinite energy into creative channels. Nevertheless, when the zenith of desire overtakes the sublimation, she will devour her mate or seek experiences by picking one up in the nearest bar, park, or on the corner. <...> Often a cause of unhappiness to the Aries female is the fact that men do not understand her or take her seriously. The first impression she makes may be one of stupidity-not necessarily a true or accurate impression at all! <...> She can forge ahead in social life, society (which is quite different), the theater and movies, the cosmetics industry, and the world where beauty itself is an industry, fashion, contests, and perhaps political intrigue. <...> She dotes on overcoming all males and can act so cleverly that the number of males who make up her list of successes or conquests is very large. <...> she presents a picture of voluptuous sexuality perhaps even before she understands either her own attractions or the mysteries of sex. She looks appetizing by the time she celebrates that old-fashioned birthday, sweet sixteen, with breasts upstanding, a waist a man can slip his arm around, sensuous hips, and a walk like Marilyn Monroe's. <...> A troublesome part of the Aries woman's social and sexual li is a deep, perhaps consciously hidden, sensitivity. A fault, a failure to remember some anniversary, a seeming slight-perhaps even unknown to the "guilty" party – can produce a display of temper that is shocking and uncalled for. <...> Through memory, nostalgia, sentiment, maybe true love, there is one man or one love in the background who is forever enamored with her and eternally loyal. <...> in her secret heart she may selfishly be whispering, "Who knows? Some day I may need him." <...> She can inspire as well as drive her mate to success. She usually bears many children, so financial success is really imperative. <...> Attractive to the end of a usually long life, the Aries woman will be a man-killer right up to her last breath.

Taurus, Antonio Peinado

Fig. 2. Taurus, Antonio Peinado

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)


While the social conduct of the Taurus male can be quite like that of the animal, which symbolizes him, it can also be very sophisticated. This is because he is a quick learner, a man with tremendous native intelligence, and able to absorb the culture and manners of any environment with ease. <...> He may have magnetic qualities to bring him sexual success with beautiful partners. <...> It is the sexual urge that drives him to seek material success, for he knows that with it he can control the destinies of men, women, and children. Not uniquely, he may choose some avenue of great artistic creativity as a way of gaining wealth because the ruling planet of his Sign is Venus. <...> Should he not be, he will align himself with people who are, manage them, direct them, promote them, use them, abuse them, and in the end make them produce while he pockets the largest percentage of their earnings. This may make him a largely unsavory character. <...> The Taurus male has a disarming appearance, for it conceals his extreme emotional-sexual nature. <...> The excessive energy of the sex drive is redirected into superior business ability or social ambitions, but not so inclusively as to omit pleasures, especially sexual enjoyment. The driving and primary force is always sex. Even his business trips and vacations are not without the search and the hope for sexual conquest. <...> Should the wife be unable to satisfy his insistent demands, he will seek other partners and be most careless of his mate's discovery of his other affairs. <...> With all his maleness and concentration on sexual pleasure, the Taurus male rarely deviates by joining in sex with another male or in other than the straight sex act with a male. He may try either of these variations but hardly like either one or become addicted to such practices. Uniquely for such a domineering male, he is not critical or upset by the unfaithfulness of his mistress or mistresses but can become pathetically jealous of one woman whom he comes to regard as his private property. <...> His aim: fame. For fame brings the admiration of women. <...> The tremendous impact on the sexual drive in the body is a force most difficult to control. It may take precedence over all other drives. <...> His potency becomes a mental problem in later life, which in turn can bring about psychic impotence. However, he responds beautifully to injections of hormones. This gives him both psychic confidence and the physical ability to spend the golden years of his li as he would have wished to all his life.


She has the appearance of gentle and genteel femininity, built small, with large eyes in a rather compact face, wearing a look of critical seriousness. She is studious about life and sex, perusing its vagaries in a scholarly manner. <...> The Taurus female has a tremendous sex drive and is a potential nymphomaniac which part of her nature she conceals beneath her demure exterior and helpful actions. <...> The Taurus male has neither curiosity nor interest in sexual aberrations and deviations; not so the Taurus female. She has both an avid curiosity and a profound interest in all the forms and variations sex offers for thrills. <...> She may enjoy sadistic pleasures, beating men, satisfying their lusts in torturing the male, and forcing him into satisfying her lusts with all kinds of weird and far-out acts of perversion. At the other end of the Taurus scale is the sadistic female who searches far and wide for a partner who will force her into sexual slavery, overpowering her into the lowest forms of obnoxious and disgusting acts-which she thoroughly enjoys. <...> Gradually, she comes to love her body and its image in the mirror. She is willing to exercise, diet, ride horseback, take dancing lessons, spend a lot on cosmetics and even submit to surgery in straining for greater and greater embellishment. Only a unique pattern of the planets in her chart would ever make the Taurus male a lover of her own sex. <...> In private she might be consorting with a man from the toughest background striving for perfection in sexual activity to achieve the greatest possible physic excitement out of her body. <...> She is the ardor of Nabokov's Ada, able to receive the male for long bouts of sexual intercourse, and retaining a high emotional temperature throughout. <...> she is able to study the art of love, to learn all about how to make a man take longer, come back to erection after orgasm, or slow his action to make the contact last longer. What she really considers an ideal lover is an East Indian who has been instructed in youth in the fabled method of maintaining an erection for eight hours. <...> This Sign rules the throat and the area surrounding it, and it is for this reason that Sign members are reputedly the greatest in number to indulge in practices that bring about pleasure and climax through oral contact. Experienced practitioners, (both the active and passive partner) realize the oral act can be prolonged and repeated with far greater frequency and greater excitation than the normal act. It creates a kind of sexual frenzy reaching dizzying heights, and practiced mutually in the "notorious" soixante-neuf (69) position brings on a form of slavery from which the slaves wish never to be freed.

Gemini by Antonio Peinado
