Pickin’ up good vibrations
The subconscious ocean contains remnants of evolutionary consciousness. It is possible to awaken these sensibilities. Small, independent organisms with delicate tendrils intertwine, forming the building blocks of desires. These connections give rise to infinite thought forms, leaving a lingering impression on one’s awareness. The sudden appearance of a horseshoe crab disrupted the serene moment, as it emerged from Richard Gessner’s deepest thoughts onto the shore.
The beach, teeming with hormonal energy, serves as a source of inspiration for the left-handed artist who lives in Montclair, New Jersey. During the summer, endless paradises extend into alluring horizons on the east coast beach. The presence of gorgeous fertility goddesses is abundant. Gessner, who is a self-taught artist, loves creating caricatures with pen, pencil and paint.
Fig.1 Offshore Drilling I Richard Gessner
Fig.2 The Matador's Reprieve Richard Gessner
Fig.3 Back Bristle Elixir Richard Gessner
Gessner’s artistic recipe combines Friedrich Nietzsche’s interpretation of Dionysian concepts with elements of Freudian psychology. Like the vast ocean, his work creates a sense of unity with nature, free from constraints. Gessner’s work examines the schemes of microscopic fantasies, who aim to join will power with fantasy. The viewer will immediately notice the candid sexuality. Of all the images, the naked woman is a form that symbolizes a desire. This desire attracts the predatory eye, which is constantly salivating and always hungry.
Fig.4 Three Beach Beauties Richard Gessner
Fig.5 Brazilian Goddess with stray bathing suit Richard Gessner
Fig.6 Scorpion Umbilicus Limulus Twins Richard Gessner
Buoys that designate Gessner mythology
Gessner’s visual storytelling mixes his own unique blend of biological horror themes with an erotic surreal atmosphere. These elements create his own genre of excess. Sometimes the viewer can see where Gessner adds an extra layer of humor into his narrative. Other times, qualities in Gessner’s work seem unapologetic with sharp biting teeth or spiky-skin.
Gessner illustrates the magnetic chemistry of opposing and merging forces in nature. He presents these archetypes in a courtship dance between the Surf Goddess and Strongmann. The Surf Goddess embodies a lively, moist, and curvaceous woman. The Strongmann with flipper feet and king crab arms is semiaquatic and blue. He lives beneath the surface, where concealed energy pulses as an appeal to renew a connection with the Surf Goddess.
Fig.7 Offshore Drilling II Richard Gessner
In the extended Premium edition more on the mystery of Gessner's inclusion of the horseshoe crab, an analysis of his pencil drawing Table Etiquette, his book The Conduit and Other Visionary Tales of Morphing Whimsy, and many rare, additional images of his amusing paintings.
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