Sacha Zaliouk nude females in a boat
1 min

Coquettish Females From The Posters Of Modernist Artist Sacha Zaliouk

1 min

In some of our previous articles, we examined the works of Art Deco representatives who contributed to famous French erotic magazines like La Vie Parisienne and Fantasio. We looked at the sensual 18th century in images of George Barbier and the merry paganism in amusing drawings of Joseph Kuhn-Régnier. This time, we're going to examine the avant-garde posters of the Ukrainian Jew Sacha Zaliouk (1887-1971).

 Sacha Zaliouk portrait

Fig. 1. Self-portrait (

 Sacha Zaliouk posters

Fig. 2.

Sacha Zaliouk Two Dolls

Fig. 3. Two Dolls (

 Sacha Zaliouk Trait d’union

Fig. 4. Trait d’union (

 Sacha Zaliouk Capricorn

Fig. 5. Capricorn (

Sacha Zaliouk Naked Like Truth

Fig. 6. Naked Like Truth (

Sacha Zaliouk Nude woman

Fig. 7. Nude woman (

 Sacha Zaliouk

Fig. 8. Smoker’s Paradise (

Sacha Zaliouk Eternal Truth
