The album Erotic Illustrations for the Twelve Months is a set of twelve prints, which uses seasonal backdrops to symbolize the twelve months.
Stop Joking About
In the print below, that corresponds to December, Shuncho’s work represents a high-class courtesan (oiran) with a young client from a good family. It is snowing outside and the courtesan begins a dialogue in order to convince the man to spend the night with her:
‘Come on, stop joking about and put in quick!’ The young man replies,’If I stay longer, my old man will give me an earful! And because tomorrow is a big housecleaning day, I’ve got to go home.’ She answers,’It’s snowing even more, so you’ll have to stay here until tomorrow.’

Fig.1. ‘Courtesan with client on a winter’s night‘ (c.1788) from the series ‘Erotic Illustrations for the Twelve Months (Koshoku zue juniko)‘ by Katsukawa Shuncho (act.1783-1795) (Photo: Stuart Jackson)
Picasso’s Raphael
Shuncho’s figures are wrapped in layers of fabrics, with only their faces and genitalia exposed. The latter are bordered by curveless bodylines in a tone similar to Picasso‘s depiction of Raphael and Fornarina (Fig.2), her with the pope seen on the right.

Fig.2. ‘Raphael and the Fornarina XIII: The Pope is Delighted on His Throne‘ (September 3, 1968) from the series ‘347 Suite‘ Copperplate etching on paper. By Pablo Picasso
Click HERE to check out more about Picasso’s fascination for shunga….!!