Plate no.10 from Hokusai’s Fukujuso is almost entirely dominated by the copulating pair of fisher folk, a richly filled basket with seashells seen at left. The diving-girl insists that the rumors of an affair with another fisherman are lies – and her lover agrees to leave the matter alone as he enjoys making love to her.
Symbol of the Vulva
The fisherman’s stylized cloak and the diving-girl’s long raven locks add much to the effectiveness of the design, balanced by the red petticoat and the basket of shellfish. The latter is a traditional symbol of the vulva.
This design originating from one of the most well-known series in shunga offers the following dialogue:
Man: “This is the first time we’ve been able to really spend time together. My feelings have been building up for so long, I can barely contain myself.”
Woman: “I’ve thought about being with you a lot as well, and since I couldn’t bear it any longer I’ve finally managed to arrange it. Promise you’ll never abandon me. Hâ hâ, sû sû, fû fû.”

Painting after Hokusai’s “Fisherman’s Girl” (Meiji era) by an unknown Japanese artist

Silk on paper produced in the Taisho era (Source japanesescreens.com/)
Click HERE for a post dedicated to another exciting design from the Fukujuso series featuring a young passionate couple…!!!