Michael Breyette is a modern artist producing homoerotic paintings with oil and pastels. Breyette depicts the couples in different atmospheric settings; some create the impression of covers or illustrations for gay pulp fiction, and Breyette is the author of a number of book covers for "romentic" novels indeed. In his paintings, we can find some curious references to classic stories or archetypal characters.
Fig. 1. Suburbia (galleryxo.com)
Fig. 2. Russian Winter (galleryxo.com)
Fig. 3. Dark and Stormy (galleryxo.com)
Fig. 4. Muse (twitter.com)
Fig. 5. Masterpieces (twitter.com)
Fig. 6. Play Time (galleryxo.com)
Fig. 7. Showerhead (twitter.com)
Fig. 8. Lathered Up (twitter.com)
Fig. 9. Bathed In Love (twitter.com)
Fig. 10. All the Best Parts (breyette.com)
Painting With Fingers
Like many of his colleagues working in the homoerotic field, Michael Breyette wasn't able to fully manifest his artistic and sexual inclinations as a teenager. He grew up in a conservative rural area where it was practically impossible. Nevertheless, his fascination with male physique resulted in drawing muscular heroes in sci-fi settings. As it's stated on his website, the young artist often added "a buxom female character as well" to avoid speculations about his sexuality. Only after relocating to another USA region, Breyette received an opportunity to embrace his nature and even make a career in what he did for joy. The self-taught painter proceeded from oil to pastels during his artistic experience. Curiously, while working with oil, Breyette painted male figures with fingers, which added a sensual dimension not only to the final result but to the process of creation itself. The art of Breyette firstly appeared in InNewsweekly (2004, Vol. 14 Issue 6), an English LGBT newspaper founded in 1991. 2004 was also a year when the first book covers by Breyette appeared. In 2009, the artist won the fine art category in the Erotic Signature global competition. His works were included in nine anthologies of erotic art. Now Breyette is represented by male figurative Gallery XO in Wilton Manors FL.
Fig. 11. The Gryphon Master (tumblr.com)
Fig. 12. Gaylien Invaders (twitter.com)
Fig. 13. Choppy The Clown (tumblr.com)
Fig. 14. Pumpkin Head - The Legend of Creepy Swallows (breyettecom)
Do you want to discover more about Breyette's unique homoerotic aesthetics? Become a Premium member now and check out the extended version with, among other things, attention for the striking motifs, metaphors and features in his work, one of his most curious paintings depicting a Sisyphus-like figure, and 29 additional examples of his unique art.
Click HERE for an article on the violent gay adventures in the art of Dom Orejudos
Sources: breyette.com; galleryxo.com, twitter.com, tumblr.com