Achille Deveria Takes Us on an Erotic Tour Around the World
Marijn Kruijff
2 min

Achille Deveria Takes Us on an Erotic Tour Around the World

2 min

This series of 12 lithographs (1843) depicting intimate couples in various countries has been given several titles overtime, such as Autour du monde (Around the World) and Types de différents pays (People in Different Countries). The set has been attributed to the French painter Achille Devéria (1800-1857) because of its characteristic style.

Lesbian Theme

Devéria clearly had a fascination with Italy (or at least what would eventually become Italy in the 1860s) by including Venice (Fig.11) and Naples (Fig.4). Striking is the plate depicting a lesbian rendezvous with the masturbating harem leader behind the curtain which Devéria saved for the Muslim scene in Fig.6.

Achille Deveria  Autour du monde

Fig.1. ‘Scottish

Achille Deveria  Autour du monde swiss

Fig.2. ‘Swiss

Achille Deveria  Tour of the World

Fig.3. ‘Indian

Achille Deveria  Tour of the World Napolitaner

Fig.4. ‘Neapolitan

Achille Deveria  Tour of the World Spanish

Fig.5. ‘Spanish

Achille Deveria  Tour of the World lesbians

Fig.6. ‘Muslims (Sérail – Palais du sultan, dans l’ancien Empire ottoman)

Achille Deveria  Tour of the World Poland

Fig.7. ‘Polish

Achille Deveria  Tour of the World French

Fig.8. ‘French (16th century)

Achille Deveria  Tour of the World Chinese

Fig.9. ‘Chinese

Achille Deveria  Tour of the World Persians

Fig.10. ‘Persian

Achille Deveria  Tour of the World Venetians

Fig.11. ‘Venetian (’Pour des soupirs’ (for the sighs), the subtitle of the Venetian scene, refers to the Bridge of Sighs)

Achille Deveria  Tour of the World Greece

Fig.12. ‘Greeks – The Souliotes‘ (They were from an Eastern Orthodox community of the area of Souli)

Click HERE for another sensual article on Achille Deveria….!!


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