Art Deco drawing fellatio
Marijn Kruijff
2 min

Stylish Art Deco Drawings By an Unidentified "French" Artist

2 min

These stylish French drawings were produced in 1925 by an unidentified artist.* The illustrator (definitely not an amateur) uses distinctive Art Deco** style features, like bold compositions and portraying the figures with elongated bodies and a focus on the angular rather than sensual curves.

Art Deco drawing fellatio

Fig.1. Inlassablement ... (Tirelessly...)

Art deco drawing erotic

Fig.2. Haletante celle-ci se laisse faire (Panting, she lets herself be carried away)

French Art Deco drawing

Fig.3. Un grand coup (A big blow)

art deco drawing attributed to Erika Plehn

Fig.4. Arrivé à la toison (Arrived at the fleece)

erotic French Art Deco drawing

Fig.5. Elle voulait autre chose (She wanted something else)

Art Deco drawing depicting oral sex

Fig.6. Dans ma bouche avide (In my eager mouth)

Art Deco erotica

Fig.7. Hein ! monsieur Raymond.. (Eh ! Mr. Raymond..)

Art deco drawing depicting pose 69

Fig.8. Doucement, doucement...oui...(Slowly, slowly...yes...)

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Click HERE for the enema fetishism in the erotic watercolors of the enigmatic Julie Delcourt

* The style of the drawings is reminiscent of the work of the German illustrator Erika Plehn (1904–1988) known for the vivid erotica she produced in her early twenties, especially for the clandestine French market, and the accompanying illustrations to the work of the Belgian writer and poet Pierre Louÿs.

** Art Deco was a popular style movement from 1920 to 1939 that had an impact on decorative and applied arts, in architecture, graphic, industrial and interior design, but also in visual arts and clothing fashion.

Translation assistance by Bruno C.
