godiva ghoul art
Marijn Kruijff
19 min

Demon Lust: An Interview with the Goth Erotic Artist Godiva Ghoul

19 min

In May we already briefly paid attention to the Twitter favorite (125,6 k followers) and Goth erotic artist Godiva Ghoul. Given her popularity on Twitter and Instagram I expected to find more information about her on the internet but that was not the case. So it was high time to invite the artist for an interview in order to learn more about her background, the term Goth nouveau erotica, her work process, influences and more...

godiva ghoul gothFig.1.

1) What call you tell us about your background (education, place of birth.....etc.)?

In the 90's I was born on a snowy day somewhere in Europe. I frequented a lot of schools because we moved around a lot but the most important ones were the Liceo Artistico (Italian high school focused on fine arts), the academy of fine arts, where for some reason I wasted three years studying architecture and design, and finally a short course in a private institute where I studied graphic design, illustration and comics.

godiva ghoul winged nudeFig.2.

2) Did you grow up in an artistic environment?

Sort of, my mother had artistic inspirations when she was young and kept many art books and paintings in our home, and since we didn't have many toys growing up and I was too introvert to go out and make friends, I spent most of my childhood alone just drawing on fax paper with bic pens. (depressing I know)

godiva ghoul skeleton headsFig.3.

3) You describe your art as a hybrid of goth nouveau erotica, and I also discern some Japanese influences (like manga). What are your influences? And how would you describe your style?

Goth nouveau erotica is a fun descriptive that sounds catchy, but that to an extent also describes all my influences, which include but are not limited to: Pre-Raphaelite, Symbolism, Japanese Art, Grotesque Gothic and the erotic illustrators of the 900s like Norman Lindsay.

godiva ghoul eroticFig.4.

4) How would you describe your work process? Do you have a certain routine?

Chaotic and spontaneous, I don't have a set instone routine or any set of rules. Usually I just look for art that inspires me, look for models or take photographs that I could use for reference and just start sketching without a clear objective. Other times I start from a vague concept, like a “Demon-of-that-strange-feeling-when-you-are-neither-awake-nor- asleep-and-wonder-where-you-are-now”. But most of the time, I don't know what the things I'm drawing will turn out as, I just follow the lines and shapes that are pleasing to my eye and keep going until there's enough of them or until I'm tired of it.

5) What inspires you?

Everything everywhere all at once... but mostly women.

godiva ghoul reclining nudeFig.5.

6) Do you only work via digital media or also with traditional media? Which medium do you prefer and why?

I started abusing digital art just around 2016 circa, and almost never went back. While I have drawn with brush ink and paper most of my life, which you can also clearly see in my digital art method which is more focused on kind of traditional inking, I much prefer the benefits of digital art, which allows you much more of a margin for error.

godiva ghoul goth eroticaFig.6.

7) Are you familiar with shunga? If so, what are your thoughts about this art form?

I had a book of Shunga art back when I was probably too young for it, but it opened my mind to an important concept: that erotica is a worthy art form and depictions of sexuality are not a shameful thing, not just for gas station cheap xxx magazines.

8) Who's (are) your favorite contemporary artist(s)?

Too many to list all of course, but the most influential on my art style are: Kerascoet, Mike Mignola, Bertrand Catignol, Nicolò Pellizzon, Joann Sfar, Bastien Vivès, Tsutomu Nihei and Daisuke Garashi.

godiva ghoul my heart belongs to youFig.7. 'My Heart Belongs to You'

9) Can you live off your art?

Certainly, if I was actually capable of eating art. But seriously I don't.

10) Do you feel limited by the sensitive nature (censorship) of social media platforms?

Yes of course, but I'm sorta lucky because I don't usually feel the need to depict explicit sexual intercourse, like some of my talented artist mutuals do. So it's easier to cover what might be too extreme for certain socials, especially the ones owned by “Meta”. But I also got some of my art deleted for it being too explicit.

11) What is your favorite movie?

Portrait of a lady on fire” is my all time favorite film at the moment, and recently the film I loved the most is: “Everything everywhere all at once”.

godiva ghoul artFig.8.

godiva ghoul inkFig.9.

godiva ghoul demon girlFig.10.

godiva ghoul goth girlFig.11.

godiva ghoul bunnyFig.12. 'Bunhilde ' (5 April 2022)

godiva ghoul goth erotic female demonFig.13.

godiva ghoul goth pin upFig.14.

godiva ghoul vomiting demonFig.15.

godiva ghoul demon pin upFig.16.

godiva ghoul goth artistFig.17.

godiva ghoul from the deepFig..18.  'From the Deep' 

godiva ghoul goth eroticFig..19. 

godiva ghoul Demon of SorrowFig..20.  'Demon of Sorrow '

godiva ghoul bunny girlFig.21.

godiva ghoul goth demonsFig.22.

godiva ghoul twitterFig.23.

godiva ghoul aroused goth pin upFig.23a.

godiva ghoul posing demon holding her breastsFig.24.

godiva ghoul seductive goth girlFig.25.

godiva ghoul demon pin upFig.26.

godiva ghoul female demon pin upFig.27.

demon pin up godiva ghoulFig.28.

godiva ghoul demon fuckFig.29. 'Fuck me like one of your demons

godiva ghoul goth pin up artFig.30.

godiva ghoul female demon artFig.31.

godiva ghoulnude girl with hatFig.32.

godiva ghoul sensual demonFig.33.

godiva ghoul demon pin up artFig.34.

godiva ghoul tentaclesFig.35.

godiva ghoul winged demonFig.36. 'Cry baby' (July 2022)

godiva ghoul female nude with snakeFig.37. 'Are you approaching me?' (2 August 2022)

godiva ghoul pin upFig.38.

godiva ghoul flowersFig.39. 'Flowers godiva ghoul nude medusaFig.40.

godiva ghoul confuseFig.41. 'Confuse ' (18 Aug 2022)

godiva ghoul comfort tingles of sleepFig.42. 'Comfort tingles of sleep' (26 Aug 2022)

godiva ghoul cartoonFig.43.

godiva ghoul demon of comfortFig.44. 'Demon of comfort ' (3 Sep 2022)

godiva ghoul demon lustFig.45.

godiva ghoul hornyFig.46. 'Horny ' (4 Sep 2022)

godiva ghoul goth artFig.47.

godiva ghoul vampireFig.48.

godiva ghoul pin up demonFig.49.

godiva ghoul clownFig.50. 

godiva ghoul bloody clownFig.50a.

godiva ghoul #dtiysFig.50b.

godiva ghoul scary clownsFig.50c.

godiva ghoul Wyvern of darknessFig.51. 'Wyvern of darkness ' (22 Dec 2022)

godiva ghoul shy vampireFig.52. 'Shy Vampire ' (24 Dec 2022)

godiva ghoul horned nudeFig.53.

godiva ghoul Burning the Midnight OilFig.54. 'Burning the Midnight Oil ' (21 Dec 2022)

godiva ghoul The VampireFig.55. 'The Vampire ' (1 Dec 2022)

godiva ghoul goat headFig.56. 'Goat Head ' (29 Nov 2022)

godiva ghoul hornedFig.57. 'Horned ' (11 Nov 2022)

godiva ghoul sacred sistersFig.58. 'Sacred Sisters ' (25 Jan 2023)

godiva ghoul angelFig.59. (14 Feb 2023)

godiva ghoul gay prideFig.60.  Gay Pride magazine (June 2023)

gay pride godiva ghoulFig.61. Maid of Marble (June 2023)

Gay Parisienne magazine 1917Fig.61a. Inspired by this 1917 magazine

godiva ghoul The CobwebFig.62. The Cobweb (29 May 2023)

Fig.62. The Cobweb detailFig.62a. Detail

godiva ghoul The MirrorFig.63. The Mirror (28 May 2023)

Fig.63. The Mirror detailFig.63a. Detail

godiva ghoul The ArchfeyFig.64  The Archfey (May 2023)

godiva ghoul Fig.64  The Archfey detailFig.64a. Detail

godiva ghoul The DaggerFig.65. The Dagger (23 May 2023)

godiva ghoul Fig.65. The Dagger detail demonFig.65a. Detail

godiva ghoul Fig.65. The Dagger detail nude demonFig.65b. Detail

the vampire woman pulp novel by Victor Samuels

Fig.65c. One of the pulp novels that inspired Ghoul's The Dagger design

godiva ghoul cartoonFig.66. Cartoon

godiva ghoul The TherianthropeFig.67. The Therianthrope (21 May 2023)

godiva ghoul The Therianthrope detailFig.67a. Detail

godiva ghoul the cloakFig.68. The Cloak (19 May 2023)

godiva ghoul the cloakFig.68a. Detail

godiva ghoul the stagFig.69. The Stag (18 May 2023)

godiva ghoul the stag detailFig.69a. Detail

godiva ghoul sirenFig.70. Siren (13 May 2023)

godiva ghoul siren detailFig.70a. Detail

godiva ghoul curseFig.71. Curse (May 2023)

godiva ghoul curse detailFig.71a. Detail

godiva ghoul Friday lookFig.72. Friday Look (5 May 2023)

godiva ghoul Friday Look detailFig.72a. Detail

In our Premium section you can find much more of the Gothic sensuality by Godiva Ghoul.

You can find many other prints by Godiva Ghoul in the artist's gallery

Click HERE for a fascinating interview with the sensual surrealist Michael Hutter. or here for a fascinating talk with the exceptional sensual artist Apollonia Saintclair

Let us know your thoughts on the interview with Godiva Ghoul or her art in the comment box below...!!
