Katsukawa Shuncho‘s series ‘Picture Book: Lust of Many Women on One Thousand Nights (Ehon chiyo-dameshi)‘ is a rather important work that had a major influence on for instance Hokusai (his octopus design).
Striking is Shuncho’s realistic style which was revolutionary in this era and his special attention to the facial expressions.

‘Dissapointed man‘ (c.1786) from the series ‘Picture Book: Lust of Many Women on One Thousand Nights (Ehon chiyo-dameshi)‘ by Katsukawa Shuncho (act. ca.1783-1795)
A hairy disappointed man turns away his head trying to ignore the sensual activities in the other room.

‘A wet-nurse with baby and lover‘ (c.1786) from the series ‘Picture Book: Lust of Many Women on One Thousand Nights (Ehon chiyo-dameshi)‘
A simple male servant is interrupting a male making love to his wife (or wet nurse). Shortly before the woman breastfed the newborn who is now fast asleep.

‘An intimate couple spied upon by a young woman‘ (c.1786) from the series ‘Picture Book: Lust of Many Women on One Thousand Nights (Ehon chiyo-dameshi)‘
French Kissing
An older couple French kissing while making love is being observed by a young courtesan.

‘A rape scene at a cemetery’ (c.1786) from the series ‘Picture Book: Lust of Many Women on One Thousand Nights (Ehon chiyo-dameshi)‘
Unsettling scene taking place at a cemetery with two repulsive males raping a young woman.

‘Giant sumo wrestler with young courtesan’ (c.1786) from the series ‘Picture Book: Lust of Many Women on One Thousand Nights (Ehon chiyo-dameshi)‘
Sumo Wrestler
A striking encounter with a courtesan pulling the nose hair of a giant sumo-wrestler.

‘Love-making at the staircase‘ (c.1786) from the series ‘Picture Book: Lust of Many Women on One Thousand Nights (Ehon chiyo-dameshi)‘
A secret sensual encounter at the bottom of the stairs that comes out in a backyard.

‘Couple and dog‘ (c.1786) from the series ‘Picture Book: Lust of Many Women on One Thousand Nights (Ehon chiyo-dameshi)‘
Sad Dog
The woman riding her lover is drawing attention to the sad dog who is sitting on top of the bed, watching their activities.
Click HERE for an article on the most important design from the series that influenced Hokusai‘s The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife…!!!
The above pieces are also available for sale in our gallery. You can find the prices when you click HERE…!!!