“I explored more precisely the universe of eroticism, which allowed me to successfully exhibit many works in a Parisian gallery "Les Larmes d'Eros". I thus rubbed shoulders with some confirmed artists in this field such as Hubert de Lartigue , Alex Varenne, Jean-Pierre Ceytaire, Gilles Berquet. Along with female representation, I also embarked on the path of the abstract and I was thus able to better appreciate the work of artists such as Tapiès, Burri, Motherwell.” - Paul Laurenzi
Fig.1 Paul Laurenzi
Paul Laurenzi was born in 1964 in Antibes, France. Antibes is on the French Riviera in southern France.
Throughout the 1990s, Laurenzi was extensively involved in many exhibitions and painting fairs, where he displayed his art. He also produced illustrations, posters, novel covers and the creation of a children’s book.
Paul’s first group exhibition took place alongside the French painter and expressionist Bernard Buffet. Then multiple exhibitions followed one another in France. As a professional painter, Laurenzi devotes his talents to the representation of feminine beauty.
In 1995, Laurenzi published a limited edition booklet entitled “L’Amante Religieuse” during an exhibition in Paris on the theme of eroticism. It contains the first erotic publication containing reproductions of works by Laurenzi, accompanied by a text written by Anne-Marie Esteban. Preface by Vincent Charvet.
Since then, Paul Laurenzi’s work has gained international recognition. His paintings serve as a tribute to women and celebrate the beauty of the world.
Fig.2 L’Amante Religieuse 1995
Fig.3 Paul Laurenzi
1) Could you share some details about the artistic training you received?
I didn't take any training, I didn't have the opportunity. So I am self-taught.
Fig.4 Paul Laurenzi
2) It would be interesting to hear about past artists and writers who have influenced your work.
The painters of the renaissance: Vermeer, Rembrandt, Da Vinci….It was less the subjects than their breathtaking techniques that interested and influenced me. Not that I claim to have even one day approached their know-how, but this desire to make the models as present and alive as possible has allowed me to seek a certain perfection, without ever 'achieve, as Dali pointed out in one of his quotes. Closer to us, artists such as Manet or Lautrec taught me that there were other techniques for making bodies “live”. Dali, in my opinion, is the fusion between this quest for perfection of the Renaissance with the surrealism, a true “portal” of dreams and imagination…
Fig.5 Paul Laurenzi
3) Is there a book or other form of literature that you are currently reading?
All of Charles Bukowski's works. He is a “rough and ready” author who has a sincere “vision” of the world and of himself and who commands respect. His gaze can be by turns tender, sarcastic, funny,even cruel, but with him I learned the confusing marriage of humility and egocentrism in art.
Fig 6. Paul Laurenzi
4) Can you share the reasons for your inspiration and fascination with the female figure?
Indeed, the “feminism figure” inspires me a lot, because it is like a “cornucopia” of inspiration, renewed every day. It can be a “pictorial” feeling close to the feeling of love, which I explore. I thus expose my attractions and various experiences, like a Candide by Voltaire, where I try to reproduce candor and astonishment. It is also the beauty of a body, of a face, an aura that I try to transcribe in painting, a bit like in the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea, madly in love with his sculpture. But this pictorial approach only makes sense if it remains imaginary, without connection with reality.
Fig.7. Paul Laurenzi
5) Could you share details about your painting routine and provide insight into the strategies you use to stay inspired?
“Routine” what a terrible word! Because routine is the sister of boredom, and these are situations that I try to avoid at all costs. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't. I don't have a real strategy to avoid this, inspiration comes. invite or not, that's all.
Fig.8 Paul Laurenzi
6) I heard you were a movie buff, what is your favorite French film? -and American film?
you are well informed! Yes why not...difficult to choose because I have a certain number of favorites, but two film titles: an Italian/American one: "Once upon a time in the West" and a French one: "The Old Gun"....
Fig. 9 Paul Laurenzi
7) If you had to give advice to other artists about figurative painting, what would it be?
I specify: to other artists...beginners. Well, it's observing, delving into your unconscious, your imagination, lots of sketches, work, time and taking care of your astonishment and candor!
Fig.10 Paul Laurenzi
In the extended Premium edition you can find 85 rare BONUS pics of Laurenzi's paintings and a separate article
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Click HERE for the chubby aesthetics of the Russian Realist Andrey Surnov
Source permission and consent from Paul Laurenzi. Blog photo selection from Paul Laurenzi
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