In anticipation of Jeff Faerber‘s last “creative burp” (that will pay homage to the Japanese masters Eisen and Hokusai), we take a look today at seven works from the past that have never been seen before on this stage.
The seven X-rated adventures are depicted in chronological order, so that we can closely follow his evolution in style…

‘Reclining Couple, with Bonzai Tree, Girl Twittering‘

‘A brief respite [in a discussion of Keynesian as it relates to GDP] for gastronomic and erogenous indulgences‘

‘Study (done after the fact) for Paramours with Steamed Dumplings Flirting with Small Death‘

‘Study (after the fact) for Girl with Suitor, Listening to Radiohead (no.4)‘

‘Girl with Suitor, Listening to Radiohead‘

‘An Irishman and a Scorpio release pent up tension built from a disagreement about the efficacy at a rubik’s cube to illustrate a metaphor for certification‘

‘The courtship intensifies, as the courtesan is enveloped with pleasure at the serendipity of a Squirtle and Lickitung, a Poké Ball firmly grasped in hand, and the thrill of the hunt‘
Click HERE for many other inspiring articles that delve deeper into the art of Jeff Faerber….!!
We are a fan of the artist’s work and not an affiliate but you can find his available shunga art by clicking here….!!
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