The Expressive Genitalia in Hokusai’s Design Featuring a Married Mistress
Marijn Kruijff
0 min

The Expressive Genitalia in Hokusai's Design Featuring a Married Mistress

0 min

In this forceful plate by ukiyo-e master Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849), we view a young adult male mounting his married mistress from the rear. She rest her head upon her arm.

Young mature male and married mistress

Young mature male and married mistress‘ (c.1812-14) from the series ‘Ehon Tsuhi no hinagata (Picture-book Models of Loving Couples)‘ by Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849)

Massive Forces

These kind of compositions were preferred by Hokusai, both in his shunga and his other works. At left and right, sewing-box and standing screen neatly balance the massive forces of the lover’s bodies.

The focus is inevitably falling on their expressive genitalia – and on the chirimen*-like, nervous patterns of the undergarments. These ingredients form one of Hokusai‘s stylistic characteristics, commencing with this period of his work.

Click HERE for the masterpiece from this famous series !


*Chirimen: traditional fabric for making kimono
