Georges Pichard and His Teasing Strips of Classic Novels by Zola and Apollinaire
15 min

Georges Pichard and His Teasing Strips of Classic Novels by Zola and Apollinaire

15 min

As shunga is not merely a genre of sensual art but also an ancestor of modern comics, our current article is devoted to the comic books of French artist Georges Pichard (1920-2003) who collaborated with Georges Wolinski on Paulette comic series in the 1970s (check out our article on Wolinski if you haven’t done this yet!).

Georges Pichard (

Collaborations and Parodies

Pichard was born in Paris and educated at the École des Arts Appliques. After graduation, he began working as an advertiser at the Drager agency. His first comic strip appeared in La Semaine de Suzette in 1956. Then in the 1960s, Pichard met comic books creator Jaques Lob with whom he worked on the Ténébrax and Submerman, which were parodying superhero comic strips. By the end of the 1960s, Pichard devoted himself to the erotic comics genre and debuted in 1968 with Blanche Epiphanie.

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Page from Blanche Epiphanie (

Classics and Controversy

Already at that time, Pichard’s female characters got their voluptuous shapes and expressive facial features, which would reach their peak of explicitness in the 1970s, when Pichard collaborated with Wolinski on Paulette. After books had provoked a negative public reaction, some later works of Pichard were banned, e. g. his book Marie-Gabrielle de Saint-Eutrope published in 1977. In our article, we are going to focus on two later books of Pichard, which are comic adaptations of two famous novels: the first one is “The Exploits of Young Don Juan” by Apollinaire (1911) and the second one is the classic book “Germinal” by Émile Zola (1885).

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Page from Paulette

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Page from Paulette

georges pichard comic

1. Man: You! Again! Woman: Yeah, and now real problems begin 2. M: But… W: Hey, jackass! 3. W: Just a hug before leaving M: No! Crap! No… not that 4. M: What I supposed to do? W: To change your wind shield of course! I’ll give you an address where they’ll make a 10 % discount to you if you say that you’re from the moto-fairy, that’s me. I am the most beautiful fairy of the electricity.

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Close-up from “The Exploits of Young Don Juan

The Exploits of Young Don Juan

The author of this novel, Guillaume Apollinaire, was famous mainly for his surreal poems, however, he also wrote prose, which was much in the spirit of de Sade (you can check out his “Eleven Thousand Rods,” published anonymously in 1907, and compare). The novel we discuss is not a sadistic one but, surely, there is some specific eroticism in it like maiesiophilia (pregnancy fetishism) and pedophilia. The story starts when sixteen years old Roger moves to his family estate together with an aunt and a sister. There he seduces his sister Bertha and a maidservant, at the same time experiencing many other encounters, so by the end of the novel, three babies are born.

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Shameless Nudity

“The wooden staircase leading to the attic was very steep. Once I hid between two chimneys waiting for Bertha at the bottom of the staircase. When she appeared carefully coming down, I jumped ahead energetically imitating dog’s bark. She, who didn’t know that I was there, lost her balance of fright and, missing the next step, fell down in such a way that her head was by the foot of the staircase while her legs were still on the steps. Her dress was lifted up. Bertha was without her panties that time because, as she confessed afterward, they were dirty and we hadn’t had the time to unpack our clothes yet. This way I saw my sister in all her shameless nudity for the first time.”

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“It was a day when I didn’t want to take a bath. The water was too cold for me and I ran in my room. My aunt Margaret followed me and eventually put my member in her mouth and touched it with lips for a while. It made me very happy and finally I became quiet.”

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“On the other hand, in similar circumstances, my mother’d act the same, and I know lots of such examples. Women who bath little boys often do this.”

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“A bit later, I sneaked into my aunt Anna’s room and inserted my hard rod in her still virginal vagina. The long battle began. She came first, and it was enough for us to stop.”

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This is the first time I see the citizen’s penis!

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“Bertha explained that she and Kate were having fun while touching each others genitalia, and Kate got agitated when asked Bertha to penetrate her with a thumb, so Bertha was a bit frightened.”

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“As the weather was bad, I spent my time at the library. I was lucky enough to find there an anatomical atlas, where I discovered illustrated descriptions of male and female genitalia. I also found there an explanation of pregnancy and motherhood. I was curious about it, especially, considering the fact that the manager’s wife was pregnant. One morning she came to clean my room. She was nice, and worked as a servant before her pregnancy and marriage. “Leave me alone, I’m married, oh God, somebody might watch us!” She said that when I moved her toward the bed. I opened my coat and showed her my penis with its’ enormous erection. She still resisted but much weaker. Her eyes were fixed on my genitalia.”

georges pichard comic

Protuberant Belly

“ I lifted her shirt up and looked at her protuberant belly. Then I was amazed when I saw her cunt and two big vulva lips changing their color from red to brown. I couldn’t not to poke my tongue in her hole and lick and lick her clitoris which grew hard beneath it. Soon I tired of licking and began to use my finger instead. The hole was very wet. I sucked her nipples one after another. My index finger stayed on clitoris that arose and became hard. It was now the size of my little finger and then of a pencil. I set between her thighs, but she cried: “Not on me, it hurts! I can’t do it from the front!” She got up from the bed, turned and burrowed her face against it. She didn’t add a word but my instinct told me what to do. I recall the sight of two copulating dogs.”

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Yes, I went down even farther, your holiness. I often took my shirt off and experienced sinful pleasures in different poses.

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“[My mother’s confession] My husband always wants to take me from the rear and behaves in such a way that I almost lose my consciousness feeling ashamed. Recently I’ve felt how he poked his finger covered with lubricant in my… anus. I wanted to stand up but he quietened me, however, I can say for sure that he imagined his penis there. At first it was painful, but some time later I liked it, don’t know why. And when he finished, I had a feeling that he acted quite naturally.”

georges pichard comic

“The fashion for shirts wasn’t universal. Only noble people wore them. Low rankers slept without shirts.”

georges pichard

Vulva Lips

“Helen looked around to be sure that everyone went away then she suddenly rose up skirts in front of her with a left hand while her right hand she shoved between the thighs, where we saw the forest of ginger hair. It was apparent from the movement of hair that she pressed her vulva lips with fingers Suddenly the squirt sprang out of the bush of hair, but instead of falling to the ground it went up and came a half-circle. It surprised Bertha who as me didn’t know that woman can piss this way.”

georges pichard comic

“All was prepared for penetration, but she stopped me: “Patience, my friend, I know something else…” To demonstrate her skills, she turned away and grabbed my penis with lips. I had her cunt in front of me and my tongue sneaked in. She sucked me and I came.”

georges pichard comic zola

Watery Blood

“When I tried to touch Bertha under a blanket, she turned to me and said “No, Roger, since the day before yesterday I have my personal things… and… It’s embarrassing.” I responded: “Ah! You have your menses now!” She didn’t protest when I unbuttoned her shirt and saw tiny nipples. I told her tender things and she let me kiss her and even suck. After several refuses, she allowed me to look at her cunt and lifted her bloody shirt. Watery blood ran down her thighs, it was not an inviting sight, but I was too excited. She clamped the thighs tightly but soon my finger reached her clitoris. The thighs weakened under pressure of my hand. Finally, I managed to poke my index finger in the cunt but not far as it was retracting. I touched her virginal membrane in the center of which a small hole could be felt. Bertha cried in pain. Excited, I took off my clothes and lay on my sister hoping to penetrate her cunt with my hard penis. She protested in a weak voice, cried, exclaimed when I entered her cave but very soon this short pain turned into pleasure. Her cheeks blushed, beautiful eyes shone, the mouth was half-opened. She hugged me and energetically responded to my pushes. Before I came, the honey started dripping from her vagina. She cried loudly in pleasure “Roger! Ah! Ah!” She was totally beside herself.”

georges pichard strip zola

Screen Adaptations

georges pichard les exploits d'in jeune Don Juan

Poster of the film by Mingozzi

Apollinaire’s novel was loosely adapted by Gianfranco Mingozzi in 1984. The success of Roger in seducing women has here its’ reason in World War I (the story begins in 1914, much earlier than in the original) when all adult men were recruited in the armies. However, if you’re familiar with some films of the Polish director Walerian Borowczyk, you can notice that the novel idyllically ending up in several birth givings could be adapted by him as well. Borowczyk strangely loved finishing some of his amoral cinematic novels with the image of a newborn child who was a result of incest (the last part of “Immoral Tales” or “Inside the Convent“). All in all, Georges Pichard hadn’t avoided such themes like pedophilia or pregnancy fetishism, so now we can look at some masterful depictions of what was in the original novel.

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georges pichard germinal


This is the 13th novel from Zola’s Les Rougon-Macquart series consisting of 20 volumes. The title originates from the name of the first spring month of the French Republican Calendar (March 20 – April 20). The novel is about a coalminers’ strike in the 1860s, which took place in northern France. Being the founder of the naturalistic movement in literature, Zola demonstrated all raw aspects of the coalminers’ life including their sexual relations. This circumstance makes the novel perfect material for the erotic comic book full of in all senses “spring” pictures.

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Leave me alone!

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After this – to soup

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You can download these comic books for free by clicking here (Don Juan) or here (Germinal)….!!

If you can’t get enough of oral sex as depicted in sensual art, click HERE for more…!!

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