Threesome with Lesbian Impulses by Jeff Faerber
Marijn Kruijff
1 min

Threesome with Lesbian Impulses by Jeff Faerber

1 min

We close this month with Jeff Faerber’s creative “newborn”. Between the heap of clothes and human flesh in this painting, we can discern a sensual threesome involving two young women and a man.

Lesbian Impulses

While the man is copulating and performing cunnilingus on the females sitting on top of him, the latter surrender themselves to lesbian impulses. As always there is a lot of special attention for the authentic Japanese costumes.

lesbian impulses by Jeff faerber

Title ‘An affable gent and his married friends needed to amend their evening plans (the browser plug-in proved incompatible with streaming “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids 5”) so, undeterred, they reached a consensus for a new activity‘ (March 2020)

The artist on this work:

“I have several pieces with threesomes that I tentatively think of as triangles, (not love triangles although the term “love triangle” will eventually end up in a title somewhere, but literal figures forming triangles) and this was one of those.

Honey I Shrunk the Kids

I love the idea of having the married couple be same sex and the man the odd one out. I actually came up with the title months ago and something about referencing an old movie “Honey I Shrunk the Kids” felt right to me. Oddly enough, I believe I read since then that they are actually making another one in the series (only the third one).

Corporate Movie

At that point, I thought I ought to find another 80’s movie to swap instead but I couldn’t get one that felt as right. So hopefully this get out into the world before it feels like pre-marketing for a global corporate movie.

Click HERE so that you can check out a Faerber painting that refers to another movie….!!
