Ira and Murka  by Volodja Popov-Masagin
3 min

Elegant Nudes Of Volodja Popov-Masagin: A Warm Homage To Modernist Masters

3 min

Volodja Popov-Masagin (b. 1961) is a French artist of Russian origin. Not only the style of his paintings but also an emigrant life follows the typical fate of Russian, Spain, or Japanese artists at the beginning of the XXth century. In his paintings, classified as magic realism, Popov-Masagin skillfully blends the vividness of ukiyo-e with the approaches of Modigliani and Klimt, so if you're a devotee of modernist sensuality, these works may please your eye.

 nude on a bright blanket by Volodja Popov-Masagin

Fig. 1. Nude on a bright blanket (

 herons by Volodja Popov-Masagin

Fig. 2.

 tea pot by Volodja Popov-Masagin

Fig. 3.

  still life with cat by Volodja Popov-Masagin

Fig. 4.

 lying nude by Volodja Popov-Masagin

Fig. 5. Lying nude (

 Volodja Popov-Masagin Lying nude

Fig. 6. Lying nude (

Greeted Abroad

Popov-Masagin was born in Michurinsk (Tambov Oblast, Southwestern Russia). His initial artistic education the painter received in a local art school for juniors. At the age of fifteen, he entered the Abramtsevo Art and Industrial College in Moscow Oblast and graduated four years later. Then, from 1980 to 1988, he studied monumental painting at the Leningrad Vera Mukhina Higher School of Art and Design. After the Soviet Union collapsed, many artists faced a lack of demand for their output, which caused financial problems. Popov-Masagin was among those who managed to find their audience abroad. Since 2000, he has been residing and working in Paris. In 2002, he became a member of the Society of French Artists. The painter has participated in many solo and group exhibitions. His works are placed in private and museum collections in France, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United States.

Ira and Murka  by Volodja Popov-Masagin

Fig. 7. Ira and Murka (

 sitting on the balcony by Volodja Popov-Masagin

Fig. 8. Sitting on the balcony (

 Mirror by Volodja Popov-Masagin

Fig. 9. The Mirror (

 Earring for Natasha’s morning exercise by Volodja Popov-Masagin

Fig. 10. Earring for Natasha’s morning exercise (

  The Full Moon by Earring for Natasha’s morning exercise by Volodja Popov-Masagin

Fig. 11. The Full Moon (

beauty holding a fan by Volodja Popov-Masagin


A Picnic Of The Universe

The canvases of Popov-Masagin accumulate many different genres, from the expressionism of Modigliani's nudes (whom Masagin often makes geishas) to the suprematism of Malevich, although, functioning as a decorative element of the background. Yet, the closest genre which comes to mind when one looks at these vivid depictions of the nudes reclining in the surreal setting is a kids' book illustration.

In the extended Premium edition you can check out more on the narrative and aesthetics behind Masagin's works,  the bright patchwork-like background of many images, similarities with Salvador Dali, plus 36 additional pics.

Click HERE for sensual monsters in the sketches of Sandro Castelli


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