Chase Lisbon was born on the Arkansas side of the Ozark Mountains in 1975. He spent his first year in a commune built by the band Black Oak Arkansas. His dad was the tour manager and had been schoolmembers with the band. When he became a tourmanager for Foghat, they moved to Long Island, then to Memphis when he started to work with Hall and Oates.
Skate Rat Culture
They were at concerts a lot, and spent a lot of time with the bands, who became their extended family. He was completely rejected by most people his age and didn't find a place where he fit in until he moved to Atlanta.and got turned on to the skate rat culture.
Fig.1. Chase Lisbon
At 23, Lisbon moved to Boston and soon after started to get ideas for a altporn site. He didn't know anything about photography or how to build a website, but he picked it all up and launched Supercult.com in January 2001. He just started shooting friends, and looking back in an interview he describes himself 'as absolutely horrible.' At some point he stopped focusing on the website and decided to develop his photography.
Wildhearted Outsiders
In 2010, Lisbon moved back to the Ozarks and started working on a short movie that turned into a feature, 'We Must Remain the Wildhearted Outsiders' (Fig.2)*. Lisbon's storytelling in WMRTWO has been described by Aram French from Reviewermag.com as 'a slow-motion Kubrickian chrysalis of VHS scan lines and hypnotic droning music. Voyeuristic? Definitely. Erotic? Perhaps. An experience like none other? Without a doubt. And one I’d recommend wholeheartedly.'
Fig.2. Miss Mosh for 'We Must Remain the Wildhearted Outsiders' (2014). Photo by Chase Lisbon
Limited Knowledge
In the previously mentioned interview he said the following about his photography, 'I have such a limited knowledge of photography I can only shot the way I do. It's very frustrating to not be able to get an image to match how I see things. I sometimes just wish I could take screen shots through my eyes.'
Plastic Surgery
'With digital work, we can really get in and get total control. Everything is driven towards flawlessness. Digital photography is plastic surgery. Film is the best for capturing life as it is. That can be so much more beautiful. Film doesn't just forgive flaws; it embraces them.'
Fig.5. Lady Days
Fig.7. Apnea ++ Down (2009)
Fig.9. Hate To Leave, Have To Go (2010) Model Lady Days
* Synopsis of 'We Must Remain the Wildhearted Outsiders': A young lesbian couple creates a mail-order business selling adult VHS tapes and Polaroids as a means to escape their oppressive Baptist town in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri.
This is one of the trailers for the film...
In Premium you can find more on Lisbon's view on his models, shoot preps, more (and bolder) examples of his nude photography and more.
In 2002, Lisbon gave an extensive interview to Lolly Pop magazine. You can find it here.
Click HERE for the truthful sensuality as shot by the Italian photographer Piero Toffano
Sources: The New Erotic Photography by Dian Hanson, twitter.com, pinterest.com, lollipopmagazine.com, deviantart.com/chaselisbon