In this article, we’re going to introduce to you the second volume (Part one) of Pichard’s teasing “Kama Sutra” comic strips. It includes five parts of the original treatise, from the third to the seventh. Hope, you’ll be quite amused by this material!
Image from the flyleaf of the second volume
Contents and Quotes from Volume II
Part 3. About the Acquisition of a Wife (Observations on Betrothal and Marriage, About Creating Confidence in the Girl, Courtship and the Manifestation of the Feelings, On Things to be done by the Man/Girl to acquire a Girl/Man, On the Different Forms of Marriage)
Headpiece of the third part
Illustration from the chapter “On Marriage”
Illustration from the chapter “On how to create confidence in a girl”
Part 4. About a Wife (On the Manner of Living of a Virtuous Woman, and Her Behavior during the Absence of Her Husband, Of the Women in the Harem)
Illustration from the chapter “On the manner of living of a virtuous woman”
Illustration from the chapter on the harem
Part 5. About the Wives of Other People (On the Characteristics of Men and Women, and the Reason Why Women Reject the Addresses of Men. About Men Who Have Success with Women, and about Women Who are Easily Gained Over; About making Acquaintance with the Woman and of the efforts to gain over her; Examination of the state of a Woman’s mind; The Business of a Go-between; On the Love of Persons in Authority with the Wives of other People; About the Women of the Royal Harem and of the Keeping of one’s own Wife).
Illustration from the chapter on women who are easily to gain over
The foot massage and fellatio illustration
On the love of persons in authority for the wives of other men
“According to the customs of some countries, there are facilities for kings to make love to the wives of other men. Thus in the country of the Andars, the newly married daughters of the people thereof enter the king’s harem with some presents on the tenth day of their marriage, and having been enjoyed by the king are then dismissed. In the country of Vatsagulmas, the wives of the chief ministers approach the king at night to serve him. In the country of the Aparatakas, the people gave their beautiful wives as presents to the ministers and the kings. And lastly in the country of the Saurashtras, the women of the city and the country enter the royal harem for the king’s pleasure, either together or separately.”
On how to enter the other man’s harem
“A man may also go in and out the harem with his body made invisible, by means of external applications, a recipe for one of which is as follows: the heart of an ichneumon, the fruit of the long gourd, and the eyes of a serpent should all be burnt without letting out the smoke; the ashes should then be ground and mixed in equal quantities with water. By putting this mixture upon the eyes a man can go about unseen.”
Part 6. About Courtesans (Of the Causes of a Courtesan resorting to Men; of Means of Attaching to herself the Man desired, and the Kind of Man that is desirable to be Acquainted With, Of a Courtesan living with a Man as his Wife, Of the Means of getting Money; of the Signs of a Lover who is beginning to be Weary, and of the Way to get rid of him, About a reunion with a former Lover, Of Different Kinds of Gain, Of Gain and Losses and different kinds of Courtesans)
Headpiece of the sixth part
“The Kind of Man that is desirable to be Acquainted With”
“Of a Courtesan living with a Man as his Wife”
Part 7. On the Means of Attracting Others to One’s Self (On Personal Adornment, subjugating hearts of others, and tonic medicines, Of the Means of exciting Desire, and of the ways of Enlarging the Lingam. Miscellaneous Experiments and Receipts).
Headpiece for the seventh part
“On the means of exciting desire”
“Miscellaneous Experiments and Receipts”
“Miscellaneous Experiments and Receipts”
And finally… The Means of Increasing Sexual Vigor
“A man obtains sexual vigor by drinking milk mixed with sugar, and having the testicle of a ram or a goat boiled in it. In the same way, if a man mixes rice with the eggs of the sparrow and, having boiled this in milk, adds to it ghee and honey, and drinks as much as necessary, this will produce the same effect.”
If you are going to try out these receipts, we are looking forward to your reaction in comments below!
Click HERE to check out Pichard’s sensual adaptation of Emile Zola’s classic novel Germinal and Guillame Apollinaire’s The Exploits of a Young Don Juan….!!