swiss jim femdom
Marijn Kruijff
3 min

Chastisement of Vicious Girls By the Mysterious Bondage Artist Swiss Jim

3 min

In our Premium section we already examined a rare German booklet from the early 1950s entitled Mädchen in Bedrängnis (Female in Distress) by the important bondage illustrator who went by the pseudonym Swiss Jim.

Two Other Early Works

Today we're going to take a look at two other early works illustrated by the Swiss artist in 1950. Both works depict unfortunate females, in Jim's characteristic grotesque style (wasp-waisted pin-ups with wide-open eyes), either tied with rope or chained and including text with their kinky musings. The first one is Claudine, ou de l'Education des Filles Vicieuses (Claudine, or the Education of Vicious Girls).

swiss jim bondage


Translation of the French text: "If she only knew I did it on purpose to get a good whipping!! I love it so much, receiving the stinging whip on my little bare buttocks!!"

swiss jim femdom


"Unfortunately, I once told my master that I would really like to go horse riding...! So...he put me on horseback like this!!."

swiss jim bondage artist


"To punish myself and to get used to greeting my Master, I remained tied up like this in the vestibule, a whole long day!!"

The Education of Vicious Girls

Published the same year, De l'Education des Filles Vicieuses (The Education of Vicious Girls). includes illustrations involving a similar set-up as Claudine but with the text next to the tied female (Fig.3 to 4)...

swiss jim bdsm art


"Unfortunately! I can't talk to you!! but my whole body tells you: take the key around my neck, and enjoy me.... I will be very nice and smile with you !!"

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swiss jim fetish art


"This is how an obedient girl must bring the riding crop to her master...!"

swiss jim spanking


The following sketches were produced during the 1950s...

swiss jim sketch


swiss jim bdsm sketch


swiss jim bondage sketch


swiss jim gagged slave having a phone call


swiss jim kink art


swiss jim fetish art


swiss jim erotic sketches


Become a Premium member now and check out all twelve illustrations including translations of their naughty outpourings and innuendos. You can also find another article on Swiss Jim's rare booklet Mädchen in Bedrängnis (Female in Distress) including all its 40 images, 31 rare preliminary sketches + more.

Click HERE for the kinky femdom art of the German namesake and also bondage illustrator Jim of Germany.


Let us know your thoughts on Swiss Jim's bondage art in the comment box below...!!
