The skill of this artist nurtured by the rich culture of the great country won't leave you indifferent. Xue Yanqun (b. 1953) is a true master of oil painting, whose works show us porcelain Chinese beauties in more or less traditional clothing and setting. At the same time, some of his works demonstrate recognizable Western approaches making Chinese girls look as if depicted by a Renaissance master.
Fig. 1. pinterest.com
Fig. 2. yandex.ru
Fig. 3. catherinelarosepoesiaearte.com
Fig. 4. The Sound of Bamboo (poramoralarte-exposito.blogspot.com)
Fig. 5. catherinelarosepoesiaearte.com
Fig. 6. poramoralarte-exposito.blogspot.com
Fig. 7. Painting (poramoralarte-exposito.blogspot.com)
Fig. 8. poramoralarte-exposito.blogspot.com
Fig. 9. The Moon Of My Homeland (poramoralarte-exposito.blogspot.com)
Fig. 10. catherinelarosepoesiaearte.com
Awards And Exhibitions
Xue Yanqun was born in Dalian, a port city in Liaoning province (Northeast China). Considered a contemporary classic, Xue sharpened his nature skills by studying oil painting at the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Art, Shenyang, where he remained a teacher after graduation in 1981. Eight years later, Xue completed his studies and received an MFA degree. Now he is a professor and a member of the Chinese Artist's Association. His works have been exhibited broadly since 1984. Xue is a winner of silver and bronze medals for his art. As follows from the info on his website, more than 300 oil paintings of this artist are held by the Chinese National Art Gallery and some art galleries abroad as well as private collections.
Fig. 11. mutualart.com
Fig. 12. conchigliadivenere.files.wordpress.com
Fig. 13. conchigliadivenere.files.wordpress.com
Fig. 14. conchigliadivenere.files.wordpress.com
Fig. 15. The ripe fruit (conchigliadivenere.files.wordpress.com)
Fig. 16. Nude in font of a hanging scroll (conchigliadivenere.files.wordpress.com)
Facing A Bride
In one of his interviews, Xue recalls his childhood, saying that he didn't talk until he was three years old. Instead of talking, he was making sketches. Encouraged by his teacher, Xue published his first "professional" work four years later. It was a landscape he saw from the window of his school. His fascination with reality and the Faustian wish to save it on paper led him to the artist's career. Yet Xue is also in love with white canvas, the thing that more often scares artists and writers who feel helpless in front of its blankness. "The canvas is a window of mine. Each time I sit down in front of the canvas, excitement exudes from my heart, as if I'm facing a bride whom I never met before. I long for the line and color to appear, guiding me in a veil of mystery. I gather my feelings, closely observe the unceasing marks I make to figure out the ones I like, and carefully inquire into what I am painting, arriving on the unknown shores of art. "
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Click HERE for the body as a metaphor for the soul in oil paintings of Chinese artist Weng Wei
Sources: xueyanqun.com; International Artist. Issue 64. 2009.