ben morbez ornament
Marijn Kruijff
10 min

19 Sci-Fi Bondage Fantasies With Unlucky Females By Ben Morbez

10 min

The site Hentai Foundry offers a platform to artists who produce adult oriented art. To avoid users uploading copyrighted content and poor quality art they have an approval panel assigned to a group of members. One of those artists who successfully passed their quality test is Ben Morbez

Capricious Whims 

The depictions of the (graphite) pencil drawings by this talented amateur artist show us beautiful women in distress (mainly slaves) caught up in unlikely erotic scenarios, subjected to the capricious whims and experiments of their alien owners. Some of the drawings depict recurring characters like the sex slaves Ten and Julie (aka. Star Slave), all suffering the same agonizing fate.


Thematically his work is reminiscent of the Druuna series by Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri while the representation of the women (all beautiful) is similar in style to that of Manara.

Method and Inspiration

About his method and inspiration says Morbez on Hentai Foundry the following,'I get inspiration out of pictures of nude woman (porn some might say ;)) and almost never out of ideas. I mostly don´t think: "Hey, I wanna draw tentacles!", it´s more like seeing a picture of a woman with spread legs and her hands against a wall and I think: "Hmmm... she could be banged by tentacles...". That's the reason he doesn't do commissions, 'So realizing commission ideas is just the opposite way of me being creative. I don´t wanna draw and feel like doing work. I draw for fun, because I like it and it´s a hobby not a job. If it would be my job (like commissions) I might loose my passion for it.'

The added commentaries to the drawings below are by the artist and the text included to the "ESF' (Endangered Species Foundation) drawings are written by Vessive (amateur writer of sci-fi erotica)... 

ben morbez Ten's adventures: Cave

Fig.1. 'Ten´s Adventures: Cave' (2021)

Thick Root

Heavy rain forced Ten to seek shelter in a nearby cave. She leaned back and tried to ignore her hunger. Suddenly something slid around her left ankle and forced her leg upwards. She tried to free herself but strong roots began to entangle her and pushed her legs apart. A thick root gently touched her face and Ten saw flashes of scene before her eyes. A vast landscape, the single, ancient tree on top of a hill, small springs in lush valleys... as the tree tried to communicate with her, something pressed inside her ass. 

Wooden Tentacle

*That´s not the right spot* she thought. A sudden vibration runs through the root touching her face and another root began to enter her vagina. Spreading her lips the rugged tip moved deeper into her, while the tree seemed to notice her arousal and still moved on to push into her other hole. Only little liquid shot out of her, as she had her first orgasm and her stomach rumbled in protest. The root on her face lifted her chin up a bit and another wooden tentacle approached her mouth, a thick, golden liquid dripping from it´s tip.

ben morbez Short Rest

Fig.2. 'Short Rest ' (2020)

Slave Girls

Two slave girls relaxing with their owner at the side of the road while the whole group is taking a short rest.

ben mo0rbez SLave of mercenaries

Fig.3. 'Slave of Mercenaries' (2022)


A Gnoll mercenary having fun with one of the company´s slaves.

ben morbez Lazy Sunday

Fig.4. 'Lazy Sunday ' (2022)


Her master was going for a ride and left her with the box. Background is supposed to be the ocean.

ben morbez Shy Merchandise

Fig.5. 'Shy Merchandise' (2022)


A shy redhead showing her pussy on the merchant´s orders.

ben morbez Better Storage

Fig.6. 'Ten´s Adventures: Better storage' (2022)


Gurak let Ten take a good look at the long chain of large beads. The hollow balls were connected with short, metal tubes. A new system to gather the fluids for which the small cask just wasn´t big enough. Although this meant one rod less in her body, Ten was pretty sure that the long bead chain would rattle in her body enough to add to her arousal when they were on the move. As Gurak pressed the first ball into her, Ten realized, that he would probably pull the chain out of her at each evening rest... this thought only caused her to get even wetter.

ben morbez Star Slave Gathering

Fig.7. 'Star Slave: Gathering ' (2022)

Shady Alien

Master Pull had some unfinished business with a shady alien, getting rare crystals and smuggling them into the city. As they had made their way to the outskirts and into the wilderness, Julie had wondered where Master Pull planned to put the crystals. After entering the small cave, the leash glowed in a steady warm light and they soon found purple crystals sticking out the ground and the walls. 

"Just relax, slave." Master Pull said, as he suddenly forced himself into her mouth and down her throat. Julie thought she would choke on the leash sliding into her, but Master Pull gave her enough room to breath. Some few minutes later, she felt her ass getting stretched and she could see Master Pull´s head emerge between her legs. 

"Plenty of room in there, as I expected. Let´s begin with one of the smaller ones." He wrapped the leash around one of the crystals and with a sudden pull, broke it off. A moment later, Julie realized, where Master Pull´s planned to put the crystals, as he pushed it into her wide open asshole.

ben morbez ornament

Fig.8. 'Ten´s Adventures: Ornament ' (2022)

Mechanical Walker

Gurak checked the strange track in the dirt. He had stopped his full packed, automated beast of burden at the very moment he had noticed the prints crossing his path.

While her new owner was investigating the ground, Ten could finally catch some breath as the mechanical walker was standing still. Gurak had attached her as some kind of living hood ornament on the front of his mech. He kept her gagged and impaled on two, long rods in her pussy and ass. This duo had been moving with every step of the mech, fucking her holes for hours. Her orgasms had been forced through a tube, sticking in her peehole on the one end, with help of some strange plug, and ending in a small cask, dangling under the mech.

ben morbez maid's duty

Fig.9. 'Maid's Duty ' (2022)

Lactating Breasts

A little 'steampunkish' maid taking care of her lactating breasts.

Alien sex ben morbez

Fig.10. 'ESF - Free trial (series)' (2022)

From the Endangered Species Foundation Database:

Logfile 1413 from Prof. Dr. Jennifer A. Torner, Leading Scientist:

The Tokzi are reminiscent of beehives. Although they can not really be considered insects, their society is based on matriarchal hives, each of them with hundreds of males and only the queen and a few princesses. With contact to other species in the universe the male Tokzi soon discovered that other species had mostly equal ratios of males to females. While unrest grew within the males, craving more sexual release with females, we were asked by a council of several planets to contact one of the outposts and try to provide a solution to the Tokzi´s problem, as they grew nervous to the potential of violent outbreaks within the Tokzi empire. 

The queen of the outpost hive was very interested in our proposition, ordered some of her most trusted guards to accompany us and try to sate their lust with our assistants.

Several of our girls were very eager to volunteer for a test run. We were quite surprised by the seize of the male Tokzi´s penises as they penetrated deep into the wombs of our girls. Although some girls passed out, the males were obviously very satisfied to relief themselves.

This mission is quite a stretch from ESF´s normal work, but our offer on a free trial on human women brings us in an interesting position. Slave trading companies will be eager to expand into the Tokzi market and the council will provide several new opportunities for our work.

I will advise on a minimum height of the girls the companies might trade to the Tokzi though, considering our observations. As Silvia was just nearly passing out and her womb could just handle the penis of the Tokzi, I will take her specifics as the minimal requirements.

ben morbez relaxation

Fig.11.  'Relaxation ' (2021)

Premium Fuck Pets

"I´ll just gonna relax, man. Just another hour and I get myself some Mr. Wing noodles, go home, open a cold Toka and put on my comfortable, little pet."

"You realize, that you need a special permission to use the cabins with another person?"

"Ha, what you´re talking about? She´s clearly a pet."

"A pet? She´s an human sex slave!"

"Oh no, it clearly states on the receipt that she was purchased from Premium Fuck Pets. As does the little tattoo."

"So with that logic, you´re fucking an animal!"

"I see no problem with that, maybe you should widen your horizon a bit" *giggles*

ben morbez Joyana's dessert

Fig.12. 'Joyana's Dessert ' (2017)


Joyana enjoying her dessert from her favorite slave.

Joyana might become a new OC of mine. She is supposed to be Kitaria´s daughter, an half human half elothrian slavehuntress. She´s more dominant than any elothrian female and loves hunting and training beautiful young women. Although she could live among the Elothri, she loves to be on the road. The slave in the picture might also become a permanent companion of her...

ben morbez Savannah

Fig.13. 'Savannah ' (2010), Graphite pencil 

Wrong Tribe

Unfortunate explorer discovers the wrong tribe.

ben morbez bones

Fig.14. 'Bones' (2010)  Graphite pencil

Long Gone Beast

Evil tribe brings an unusual sacrifice to their spirits... through the bones of long gone beast...

ben morbez robotic probe

Fig.15. 'Robotic Probe' (2010) Graphite pencil


Alien robotic vessel soon probing a woman who´s kept calm through mind controlling devices...

ben morbez cell

Fig.16. 'Cell ' (2010) Graphite pencil

Squirting Facility Cell

Squirting facility cell - just pull the leash of her plug to give her the order to start and squirt into the hole in the middle of her cell...

Sweetheart & Charles Ben Morbez

Fig.17. 'Sweetheart & Charles' (2013) Graphite pencil


Charles slowly became horny while Sweetheart, the stables preparation assistant did her best to get his prick hard for the breeding (and catch some of his precum in the process)

ben morbez the pole

Fig.18.. 'The Pole ' (2010)

Tribal girl in a worse situation

ben morbez steampunk II

Fig.19. 'Steampunk II ' (2010)

In Premium, you can find an extended version of the above article with no less than 47 striking examples of Morbez's tied beauties (and stories)...

Click HERE for the secret erotic drawings of the landscape painter Nikola Sinkovic

What do you think about the drawings of Ben Morbez? Leave your reaction in the comment box below...!!
