ASMR Porn Fantasy By the Modern Shunga Artist Jeff Faerber
Marijn Kruijff
1 min

ASMR Porn Fantasy By the Modern Shunga Artist Jeff Faerber

1 min

Hot off the press: Jeff Faerber‘s latest erotic piece involving ASMR porn. In this painting the complete focus is on the passionate couple and are the usual objects (such as sex toys, ancient Japanese artifacts and social media devices) omitted.

Kimono Patterns

Special attention is given to the patterns and motifs on the kimonos, evoking the work of the ancient shunga specialists Kikugawa Eizan (1787-1867) and Keisai Eisen (1790-1848), who both excelled in depicting kimono patterns.


As always the titles on his paintings offer an amusing reference to our current Zeitgeist…

shunga painting with an ecstatic couple with striking leg tattoos during a ASMR porn workshop by Jeff Faerber

Two practitioners of ASMR porn workshop new lines and scenarios for their web series’s next installment “Fucking Whispers VII: extrapolating the erotic endearments and emanations espoused mid-encounter.’ (August 2019)

The artist in his own words about the creation of the painting:


“I’m always brainstorming scenarios and titles for my Shunga pieces. One day, I listened to a podcast about the condition ASMR Autonomous sensory meridian response Autonomous sensory meridian response Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is an experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation… (which I don’t have).

Waves of Pleasure

The discussion was about how these sensual, light sounds created tingles and waves of pleasure in the brains of people with ASMR. I felt like that would create a great jumping off point for a title to a Shunga piece.

Erotic Endearments

I had 5-6 untitled pieces started so I took the one with the most sensual, gentle position and decided that the figures in the painting would be creating content for their ASMR community. I came up with 3-4 titles of their film but decided that the title with all the repeated “E”s was the most fun (Extrapolating the Erotic Endearments and Emanations Espoused mid- Encounter).

Peach Colored

After that, it was just a matter of making the piece visually interesting. I used some peach colored origami paper for the woman’s robes and the fringe of her robe and the male’s robes are actually paper collage from the inside of envelopes (bank statements and other financial documents).”

asmr porn workshop

Patterns inside envelopes

Click HERE for more Modern Shunga Art….!

The painting is available in the artist’s shop…!!
