The extraordinary ukiyo-e artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861) is most famous for his adaptation of the Chinese novel on the 108 Suikoden Heroes. You can find two exciting examples of this subject below…
Tanmeijiro Genshogo
An acclaimed shunga design portraying the famous Suikoden hero Tanmeijiro Genshogo (in Chinese Ruan Xiaowu) who is having intercourse with the queen of the Island of Women while holding an opponent in an armlock. Flying geese at sunset in the background.
Favorite Suikoden Hero
Another impression of this print is depicted on p.65 and 83 (Fig.91) in the book ‘Strangers in Paradise: The Foreign Image in Japanese Art and Shunga‘ by Richard Lane. Tanmeijiro Genshogo was one of Kuniyoshi's favorite heroes and used him as a protagonist in several of his ukiyo-e designs. One of his most famous portrayals is the design below…

‘Tammeijiro Genshogo, the tattooed warrior, fighting under water with an enemy.’ (c.1827-1830.) ‘Tsuzoku Suikoden goketsu hyakuhachinin no hitori’ (The Hundred and Eight Heroes of the Popular Suikoden, One by One).
Description: Tammeijiro Genshogo, the tattooed warrior, fighting under water with an enemy. From Kuniyoshi’s famous series: ‘Tsuzoku Suikoden goketsu hyakuhachinin no hitori’ (The Hundred and Eight Heroes of the Popular Suikoden, One by One)‘. Signed: Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga. Published by Kagaya Kichiemon.
Click HERE for a comprehensive article on a rare complete erotic book series Kuniyoshi….!!
The above shunga piece is still available for sale. You can find it on the following PAGE!