9 Highly Amusing Pop Up Porn Shunga Prints
Marijn Kruijff
5 min

9 Highly Amusing Pop Up Porn Shunga Prints

5 min

The so-called shikake-e (toy prints), aka “Pop-Up Porn” prints came in various shapes and forms. Sometimes a flap or a door can be opened or moved revealing a more provocative scene. In other cases these playful pieces include a separate cord attached to the (mostly male) figure so that the genitalia can be moved.

Pop Up Porn

In these pop-up porn pieces you can find examples of subtle designs with small transformations adding a small detail while in others one can see a total makeover with the protagonists in a completely new environment. The nine prints below all fall in the first category…

encounter in the moonlight - pop up porn

Encounter in the Moonlight‘ (c.1840s) from the series ‘Shunkushuto‘ by an unknown member of the Utagawa school

Pubic Hair

A subtle piece with the encounter of a mid-wife and a servant in the moonlight. She is sitting on a great table breastfeeding a newborn while her lover seeks eye contact. When the flap is turned the only transformation is a slight shift of the slip dress exposing only some pubic hair.

 Intimate couple during supper - pop up porn

Intimate couple during supper‘ (c.1840s) by an unknown member of the Utagawa school


During dinner a male overpowers his wife and when the flap is turned they are shown making love.

Passionate couple- pop up porn

Passionate couple‘ (c.1840s) by an unknown member of the Utagawa school

Eyes Closed

An intimate couple is enjoying themselves (both have their eyes closed) during intercourse.

courtesan and client - pop up porn

Courtesan and client‘ (c.1840s) by an unknown member of the Utagawa school

Play Footsie

A geisha and a client are having sex. Her shamisen (three-stringed instrument), she used to entertain him, lays in the background. When the cord is pulled not only the male genitals move but also the foot of the man.

doggy style - pop up porn

From the rear‘ (c.1840s) by an unknown member of the Utagawa school

Window Frame

A woman leaning in the window-frame is taken from behind by her husband.

One of our Twitter followers made an amusing Gif of this print.

Woman reading a shunga book - pop up porn

Woman reading a shunga book‘ (c.1840s) from the series ‘Shunkushuto‘ by an unknown member of the Utagawa school

Shunga Book

In the first image, a lonely woman is reading a shunga book. In the second image, when the flap is moved, we can see her in full action.

Intimate couple near a iris garden - pop up porn

Intimate couple near a iris garden‘ (c.1840s) by an unknown member of the Utagawa school

Iris Garden

A male is making love while laying on top of a courtesan. An iris garden in the background. The penis can be moved from top to bottom with the cord.

client and geisha on veranda - pop up porn

pop up porn

Young geisha and client‘ (c.1840s) by an unknown member of the Utagawa school

Easier Access

A brothel visitor pulls up the kimono of a geisha to gain easier access.

Secretive intimate couple underneath a blanket

Secretive intimate couple underneath a blanket‘ (c.1825) from the series ‘Mitsugumi sakazuki‘ by Utagawa Toyokuni I (1769-1825)

grumpy cat - foot sex - pop up porn

Agitated Cat

Hilarious “pop-up porn” design featuring two various scenes at different times at the same location. In the first image we can see what seems to be an innocent meeting of a couple sitting under a “table”. Only their upper body is visible. When the attached flap is turned the intimate activities underneath the blanket are revealed. The agitated cat that has been kicked out from underneath the kotatsu* is an amusing detail. The Japanese text surrounding him undoubtedly emphasizes his complaints.


Aroused moronic boy - pop up porn

Aroused moronic boy‘ (c.1825) from the series ‘Mitsugumi sakazuki‘ by Utagawa Toyokuni I (1769-1825)

masturbating boy - pop up porn

Scene 2


When the flap is turned and we can see what happens behind the screen the cause of the demented boy’s arousal becomes clear. The facial expressions of the three protagonists are aptly displayed by Toyokuni.

sex in the brothel

In the brothel‘ (c.1829) from the series ‘Hiyaku mon futari furisode‘ by Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861)

sex in the brothel - running cat with fish

Scene 2

Cause of the Smell

Highly amusing scene with activities in various rooms and spaces in a lower-class brothel. When the flap is turned the right part of the panel shows a new series of developments including an aroused visitor, his erected member at the ready, harassing a courtesan and a running cat (Kuniyoshi’s favorite animal) with a booty in his mouth. Was the fish the cause of the smell that is bothering the couple on the left or was it something else…?

Click HERE to check out an article on other “pop-up porn” pieces…!!!

In our gallery we have a special section for these kind of shunga that are available for sale…!!!

*a kotatsu is a low wooden table covered by a blanket with underneath a heat source

If you have any suggestions for future posts please don’t hesitate adding them to the comment box below!
