Kuniyoshi’s Erotic Ghost Series Featuring Phallus and Vulva-Shaped Demons (P2)
Marijn Kruijff
5 min

Kuniyoshi's Erotic Ghost Series Featuring Phallus and Vulva-Shaped Demons (P2)

5 min

Let’s take a look at the second part of Kuniyoshi‘s very entertaining ‘Ghost Stories: Night Procession of the Hundred Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861) displays his comic genius like no other. These small. 'Demons’ that he designed around 1836.

rokurokubi - kuniyoshi - shunga - long-necked demon

Rokurokubi (a long-necked demon)‘, c.1836


Rokurokubi are a popular type of spirit in Japanese folk tales. They look almost completely like humans, with one major difference. There are two types of Rokurokubi: one can stretch their neck and the other is called nukekubi whose heads can come off and fly around freely. In this image the spirit is an actor with a vulva-shaped face who is changing clothes.

kuniyoshi ghost

Consoling Pussy of Horse Face Mountain, Sometimes Called Monk Riot (Tsuramayama dôjô-bobo, ichimei Sôdô-bô)‘, c.1836

The Art of War

Kakuju also known as Monk Toba Sôjô taught the young Yoshitsune (aka. Ushiwaka-maru) the art of war at Kuramayama.

kuniyoshi ghost

Pillar of Flames (Hi-hashira)‘, c.1836 (Copyright William Pearl)

Burning Pillar

A burning pillar of phalluses is towering above the houses of the Yoshiwara pleasure quarter (which was repeatedly destroyed by fire).

kuniyoshi ghost

Crucifixion of Okoma (Okoma no karitsuke)‘, c.1836

Killing of Kizô

Okoma, who has been sentenced to be executed at Suzu-ga-mori* for the killing of Kizô, her husband, received a pardon after the input of her lover Saiza.

kuniyoshi ghost

Octo-pussy of the Nameri River (Numerikawa no bobo-dako)‘, c.1836 (Copyright William Pearl)

Hunt Octopuses

The mouth of the Nameri River in Etchû Province was a popular spot to hunt giant octopuses.

Penis Skeleton (Karikkotsu)‘, c.1836 (Copyright William Pearl)


A phallus-shaped skeleton threatens a woman who has come onto a veranda at night.

kuniyoshi ghost

Licentious Priest with Angry Pussy (Jinbari nyûdô bobo dokisu)‘, c.1836 (Copyright William Pearl)


A phallus-shaped ghost scares a woman at the graveyard. A swallow with a phallus head comes from his mouth.

kuniyoshi ghost

Nailing a Dick Doll at the Hour of the Ox (Ushi no toki mairi mara ningyô o utsu)‘, c.1836 (Copyright William Pearl)

Crown of Candles

A woman planning to murder a man who had disregarded her was deemed to wear a crown of candles. She also had to go to a shrine at the hour of the ox (about 2 AM), and hammer a straw figure representing the man to sacred tree (similar to a voodoo ritual).

kuniyoshi ghost

Pussy Spirit of Kasane (Kasane no bobokon)‘ , c.1836  (Copyright William Pearl)


The mutilated Kasane had been killed by her husband, Yoemon, with a sickle by the Kinu River. The sickle still sticking out of her neck. Every detail in her disfigured face is  phallus or vulva related (ears, eyes and mouth), even the top of her head and hair.

Below I have added pictures of five other pieces. I know of another one featuring a vulva-faced figure who is about to put a giant penis in her mouth of a man lying underneath a mosquito-net.

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Hilarious design portraying the appearance of a winged spirit with a vulva-shaped face carrying a phallus-shaped baby (reminds me of the film Eraserhead) during heavy rain. The ghost scares the living daylights out of a pilgrim. The latter wears a giant sugegasa (conical hat) to protect against the rain. The foxfire (kitsune) iindicates the presence of a fox spirit.

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Click HERE to check out a design on the similar “torture” theme performed in a kabuki play.

kuniyoshi ghost

kuniyoshi ghost

kuniyoshi - ghost and demons - shunga

My personal favorite of this set is the ‘Cunt monk (Tsubi bôzu)‘-design which was featured as the second image in the first article. What is your favorite?

We have got five pieces from this very rare series for sale in our gallery. Click HERE to check them out before they are sold…!!!

Click HERE for part 1 !

Click HERE for a shocking shunga design featuring the rape of a rokurokubi (long-necked demon)…!

* Suzu-ga-mori: A well-known medieval execution ground in Edo.
