OK I admit…I’m a sucker for lists! The following list of our 15 most sensual (read viewed) newsletters gives a nice review of our activities in 2020, and a good idea of which topics you appreciate.
Doubling Daily Subscriptions
This year we sent 115 newsletters and it’s striking that a lot of featured in the list are from recent newsletters so this means that you increasingly value our content. Also, compared to the year before (2019) when we welcomed 2 to 3 new members per day, there are now 6 to 7. So this has more than doubled. Thanks a lot for this!
In the list below we count down and you can find successively from left to right; the position, the headline of the concerning newsletter and indicators: O.R. = open rate % and C.T.R.= click through rate % and the total.
At 15) Amusing shunga scroll + New Faerber painting (O.R. 31.63 % C.T.R. 60.3 % Total: 91.93%)
In the first part of this newsletter refers to a new blog on an amusing shunga scroll from the early 1900s with unusual erotic scenes without displaying intercourse. The artist’s obvious talent is reflected in his sense of humor, accurate facial expressions, and eye for detail.
Furthermore, we took a look at Jeff Faerber’s new painting in which he focuses more on the contrasting patterns of all the fabric. Most of the elements are just intuitive, based on whatever happened to pop in his head.

‘She nurtured her partner and used her supple body as a salve for his troubled soul as he recuperated from the travails of a minor hang nail‘ (21 Oct. 2020)
14) Tentacles, bondage, erotic fairy tales, the sensual adventures of the actor Asahina and much more….!! (O.R. 31.21 % C.T.R. 61.9 % Total: 93.11%)
In this newsletter you were introduced to the stylized decadence of Lowbrow artist Ben Newman whose style and influences are grounded in the American Lowbrow art. His alluring tableaux include amusing nods to fairy tales, sci-fi, classic horror movies, TV memories, bondage, peeking squids, seductive Easter bunnies and so on….
Inside you’ll check out over 30 exciting examples of Newman’s art including fascinating background info, so don’t wait any longer and enter his amusing world now!

‘Penelope Purpleton‘ (2013) by Ben Newman
The second part was about an earlier post including new amusing images on Kuniyoshi’s hilarious portrayal of the well-known mythical warrior Kobayashi Asahina.

‘Asahina viewing wild party‘ (c.1830) by Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861)
13) The aroused frogs and crazy sex machines of Tomi Ungerer (O.R. 31.16 % C.T.R. 62.4 % Total: 93.56%)
This newsletter leads to an extensive article on the award-winning, and recently deceased French illustrator Tomi Ungerer (1931 -2019). The limitless fantasy of this extraordinary artist enabled him to produce books on a wide range of themes, from fairy tales to fetishism. Inside you’ll get the chance to explore the artist’s erotic work including 69 (!) amusing examples..!
12) New sensuality of Simone Pinna, Valeria Ko, Pigo Lin, and Jan van Rijn (O.R. 28.6 % C.T.R. 65.8 % Total: 94.4%)
Once in a while we alert you to new content to earlier articles. These were new images by successively the Italian artist Simone Pinna, the Russian Valeria Ko, the Taiwanese Pigo Lin, and the Dutch Jan van Rijn.

‘Green‘ (29 Dec 2020) by Pigo Lin
11) The erotic fairies of the Italian artist Simone Pinna (O.R. 29.90 % C.T.R. 64.6 % Total: 94.5%)
In our newsletter of 27 November we paid attention to the young Italian artist Simone Pinna whose universe is inhabited by hybrid, mainly female figures (he names them ‘erotic fairies’) are alternately playful and vulnerable.
10) The detailed genitalia of Betty Dodson (O.R. 31.67 % C.T.R. 63.3 % Total: 94.97%)
An article on the fine artist and sex educator Betty Dodson (born 1929) who was trained as a fine artist in the 1950s, and in 1968 had her first show of erotic art at the Wickersham Gallery in New York City.
In the 1970s, she quitted her art career and began studying sexology. Dodson’s books on female masturbation, illustrated with her drawings, became best-sellers and classic feminist works. Inside you’ll learn more about her extraordinary career and discover many detailed examples of her excellent close-up drawings.
9) New voluptuous surrealism of Michael Hutter, bold erotic art of Pigo Lin, and “face-sitting”sensualism of Namio Harukawa (O.R. 30.21 % C.T.R. 65.4 % Total: 95.61%)
As announced in the headline, this bulletin focused on the new works of the German surrealist Michael Hutter, the prolific Pigo Lin and the master of ‘Femdom art’ Namio Harukawa.

‘Der Tod belauscht ein Liebespaar (Death, eavesdropping on lovers)‘ (2006) by Michael Hutter

Femdom painting ‘Face-sitting‘ by Namio Harukawa
8) The pornographic fantasy saga ‘I Roved Our’ by Alexis Flower (O.R. 29.39 % C.T.R. 66.3% Total: 95.69%)
The extraordinary hentai comic entitled ‘I Roved Out in Search of Truth and Love‘ by Alexis Flower stands out for its great drawing style and amusing text. Included are some striking NSFW pages and illustrations from the book and a link to the place where you can read the complete comic for FREE!
7) Seductive nudes of the Swiss artist Boris Vansier (O.R. 31.61 % C.T.R. 64.7 % Total: 96.31%)
Boris Vansier (b. 1928) is a Swiss painter was born in the Soviet Union (Russia) who spent his childhood in Geneva. He is known for his avant-garde style that lies in the fragmentation of the painting, which makes it look like a colorful collage. Influences are Bacon, Schiele, and Picasso. To the latter he dedicated the series “Mes Picasso” full of references to the ingenious artist’s works.
6) The blasphemous sensuality of Camille Clovis Trouille (O.R. 35.65 % C.T.R. 61.3 % Total: 96.95%)
In our newsletter of 17 August we paid attention to the provoking art of the extraordinary “Sunday” painter Camille Clovis Trouille (1889-1975), who set his sights on the authorities of the church and military. Prepare for some farting and lesbian nuns, clericals in drag, female bottoms on meat hooks, phallus and vulva-shaped flowers and much more…

‘Dolmancé et ses fantômes de luxure (Dolmancé and his phantoms of lust)‘ (1959) by Camille Clovis Trouille
5) The fascinating Neo Shunga of Zoë Lacchei + Sensual cheerfulness from the Meiji Era (O.R. 34.11 % C.T.R. 63.4 % Total: 97.51%)
Today we want to introduce to you the fascinating Italian artist Zoe Lacchei whose erotically charged art is in perfect line with our own aesthetic mission. Inside you will get an overview of her exciting career, exclusive images of her mesmerizing “neo shunga” work and much more. The second part of this newsletter points to twelve exciting images of a shunga scroll from the Meiji era including some cheerful intimate encounters.

‘Geisha with koi carp‘ by Zoë Lacchei
In the second part, attention was paid to a newly purchased scroll with amusing shunga paintings from the Meiji period.
4) Are you also SHOCKED by Van Rijn’s untamable beauties? (O.R. 32.81 % C.T.R. 65 % Total: 97.81%)
This one links to our first article on the provocative “pornographic” work of the Dutch artist Jan van Rijn. Over time, he has been “blamed” by some, such as the so-called “cool” magazines, that his drawings of mainly female figures reveal too much! Is this art also too provocative for you?
3) The unpolished sensuality in ancient pornographic daguerreotypes (O.R. 32.54 % C.T.R. 66.9 % Total: 99.44%)
During the last twenty years of the Edo period, while classic shunga still prospered in Japan, there was a time of daguerreotype photography in Europe. This technology invented by Louis Daguerre in 1839 that was at first only visible to the rich, would startle the people of the puritan 19th century.
Inside you’ll discover numerous exciting examples of this rare kind of pornography, fascinating insights on its origins, development, the production process and more.
2) Asian sensuality in the series of Japanese photographer Nobuyoshi Araki (O.R. 31.06 % C.T.R. 68.6 % Total: 99.66%)
Araki Nobuyoshi (born 1940) is a Japanese photographer famous for his provocative works that balance between art and pornography. In the documentary film “Arakimentari” (2004), he is claimed to be a follower of shunga traditions.
He often collaborates with artists such as Björk and Lady Gaga. His art can be distinguished by its’ casualty and intentional rejection of artificialness, however, some b&w shots in our set remind of aesthetically charged works by Edward Weston or Lucien Clergue.

‘Kinbaku (Bondage)‘ (1979) by Nobuyoshi Araki
1) The libertine voluptuousness in the engravings of Achille Deveria (O.R. 34.26 % C.T.R. 65.7 % Total: 99.96%)
Sent at 3 July, this most viewed newsletter explores the daring erotic engravings of the 19th-century French artist Achille Devéria (1800-1857). One of his favorite themes was lesbian love, but he was not afraid to include bestiality or politically incorrect themes. The engraving depicting the black native in a cage is particularly sensitive in this recent time. Included you can explore 15 evocative examples!

‘The Withdrawal Method‘ (c.1840s) by Achille Deveria
Nice to see that this 19th century French artist is at the top of the list and that his provocative work still does not leave people indifferent. Anyway, we hope you enjoyed our retrospective of 2020 and wish you all the best for 2021…!!
Which artist (from the past or present) impressed you the most in 2020? Leave your reaction in the comment box below…!!